Because automatic language determination recognizes C++ comments (//), JCL is recognized only if any of these conditions is met:
  • The last qualifier of the data set name is JCL, CNTL, or PROCLIB or ISPCTLx (where x is any character)
  • The second nonblank 'word' of the first nonblank line is DD, JOB, EXEC, or PROC
  • The second nonblank 'word' of the first nonblank line starts with 'MSG'. This is for JCL with no JOB card, but with MSGLEVEL or MSGCLASS.
  • The first three characters in the first nonblank line are //*.

Conditional JCL logic (IF/ELSE) is highlighted, but is not supported by the LOGIC option.

When the word DATA appears as the first word in a line or statement, HILITE assumes that this is a DD DATA statement and colors subsequent lines as in-stream data. To avoid this, ensure that DATA is not the first word on a line by placing other keywords before it. For example, instead of coding
//   OPTCOB='DYN',
//   DATA='DATA(24)',
//   OUT='*',
//   USER='D0000',
move the operand starting with "DATA" to the same line as the previous operand:
//   OPTCOB='DYN', DATA='DATA(24)',
//   OUT='*',
//   USER='D0000',