After applying Db2 ODBC maintenance
Whenever Db2® Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) maintenance is applied on the system, to avoid server inconsistencies, issue the DSN subcommand REBIND PACKAGE through Db2. Due to how LDAP holds the ODBC package, the safest way to rebind the package is to shut down the LDAP server first. Then, issue REBIND PACKAGE and bring the LDAP server back up. If your system has APAR PH12186 installed you can rebind the package without taking down the server by utilizing the Rebind Phase-In functionality that Db2 offers. For more information about the functionality, see Rebind phase-in for packages that are being used for execution.
If the LDAP server does not receive activity within a certain time (60 minutes by default), the cached ODBC connection is closed. After the connection is closed, the REBIND can be issued without bringing down the server. If maintenance is applied and the package is not rebound, the server might issue an SQL -805 error when Db2 is started. To resolve the error, the DSNTIJCL job will need to be run as mentioned in step 3 of Getting Db2 installed and set up for CLI and ODBC.
For more information about REBIND PACKAGE, see REBIND PACKAGE (DSN).