Preparing to use the Interactive ISPF Gateway

Consider these points as you prepare your system to use the Interactive ISPF Gateway:

  • An OMVS segment must be defined in the security system (RACF®® or equivalent) for each user of the gateway. It must specify a valid non-zero uid, home directory, and shell command.
  • The prerequisites described in System prerequisites for the CEA TSO/E address space services in z/OS® MVS™ Programming: Callable Services for High-Level Languages must be completed.
  • Set MAXPROCUSER in BPXPRMxx parmlib member to a minimum of 50. This can be checked and set dynamically (until the next IPL) with the following commands (as described in z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627):
    Setting a value that is too low can cause the gateway to fail.
  • Table 1 describes the load modules that comprise the gateway. The load modules that are used by the Interactive ISPF Gateway are indicated by the footnotes. These load modules must be available to run under the server used to communicate between the client and z/OS® host.

    A PROGRAM class profile that identifies ISPZINT as being a controlled program should be defined using the command:

    For information on using this command, refer to your security server's documentation. Failure to define ISPZINT as being controlled might result in messages, such as CSV042I or ICH422I, being issued.
  • Table 2 describes the gateway files installed into the z/OS UNIX file system. The files that are used by the Interactive ISPF Gateway are indicated by the footnotes.
  • The CEA TSO/E address space services programs are in directory /usr/lib. This directory must be included in the LIBPATH environment variable available to the gateway.
  • If a user has a TN3270 ISPF session active while using the Interactive ISPF Gateway, the TN3270 session must use ISPF profile sharing when it uses the same ISPF profile data set as is used by the logon procedure specified for the gateway. Profile sharing is enabled by specifying the SHRPROF parameter on the ISPF, PDF, or ISPSTART command used to start ISPF. Sites can also use the ISPF configuration table to define SHRPROF as a default parameter for these commands. An alternative to using ISPF profile sharing is to use different ISPF profile data sets for TN3270 ISPF sessions and the gateway. This can be done by using different logon procedures for TN3270 and the gateway.
  • For additional steps that must be completed depending on the environment from which you call the gateway, see Customizing the gateway calling environment.