DLUS-initiated connection (dial-out)

For DLUS-initiated PU activation, define the dependent LU requester by specifying the DLURNAME and DLCADDR operands on the PATH definition statement in a switched major node residing on the DLUS node. DLURNAME specifies the CP name of the DLUR that owns the PU. If you do not code the network ID of the DLUR, it defaults to the network ID of the dependent LU server. DLCADDR specifies data link control (DLC) information used by the DLUR to locate the PU. In addition, specify the MAXDLUR operand on the VBUILD definition statement to indicate the maximum number of unique DLURs defined for this switched major node.

You can also specify DWACT=YES on the PU statement to ensure that VTAM® initiates the connection as soon as the major node is activated. Otherwise, a VARY DIAL command needs to be performed on the physical unit after activation.