Summary table for DBCS fonts

This information lists DBCS core fonts for these typefaces:
  • Chinese:
    • Simplified Chinese:
      • GB Fang Song
      • GB Hei
      • GB Kai
      • GBK Song
    • Traditional Chinese:
      • Kai
      • Sung
  • Japanese:
    • Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic
    • Japanese Heisei Maru Gothic
    • Japanese Heisei Mincho
  • Korean:
    • Gothic
    • Myengjo
Table 1 provides this information:
AFP/CID typeface name
The IBM® name for the typeface.
CID file name
The name of the CID-Keyed font file that is used to create the font. The file extensions are CID and CMP.
The weight of the font. Possible values are:
The width of the font. Possible values are:
Coded font
A six-character name of the font, with "X0" as the prefix, that identifies the combination of code page and character set.
Character set
An eight-character name, with "C0" as the prefix, that identifies an AFP raster character set.
Code page
An eight-character name, with "T1" as the prefix, that identifies the code page.
The graphic character set global identifier (GCSGID) is a collection of characters that are registered with a unique number and sometimes used for font and code page selection.
The font typeface global identifier (FGID) is a number that is assigned to each typeface and is sometimes used for font selection.
Size group
The group that defines what point size and box size the font can use (see Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of DBCS fonts
AFP/CID typeface name CID file name Weight Width Coded font Character set Code page GCSGID FGID Size group
Simplified Chinese - GB
Fang Song IBSFSGW4 SL Full X0FPpb C0FPpbss T10837ss 1020 54566 1
Half X0FEpb C0H0FEpb T1H00836 1174 1
Half X0FJpb C0H0FJpb T1H01115 1240 1
Half X0FWpb C0H0FWpb T1H01151 1366 2
Hei IBSHEIW6 SB Full X0HPpb C0HPpbss T10837ss 1020 54565 1
Half X0HEpb C0H0HEpb T1H00836 1174 1
Half X0HJpb C0H0HJpb T1H01115 1240 1
Half X0HWpb C0H0HWpb T1H01151 1366 2
Kai IBSKAIW5 M Full X0JPpb C0JPpbss T10837ss 1020 54568 1
Half X0JEpb C0H0JEpb T1H00836 1174 1
Half X0JJpb C0H0JJpb T1H01115 1240 1
Half X0JWpb C0H0JWpb T1H01151 1366 2
Song IKSSNGW5 M Full X0SPpb C0SPpbss T10837ss 1020 54567 1
Full X0SSpb C0SSpbss T1K837ss 1085 1
Half X0SEpb C0H0SEpb T1H00836 1174 1
Half X0SJpb C0H0SJpb T1H01115 1240 1
Half X0SUpb C0H0SUpb T1H00836 1174 1
Half X0SNpb C0H0SNpb T1H01115 1240 1
Half X0SQpb C0H0SQpb T1H01114 1238 1
Half X0SWpb C0H0SWpb T1H01151 1366 2
Traditional Chinese
Kai IBTKAIW5 M Full X0LTpb C0LTpbss T10835ss 2074 54568 1
Half X0LEpb C0H0LEpb T1H00037 1175 1
Half X0LJpb C0H0LJpb T1H01043 1189 1
Half X0LQpb C0H0LQpb T1H01114 1500 1
Half X0LVpb C0H0LVpb T1H01159 1399 1
Half X0LWpb C0H0LWpb T1H01152 1367 2
Sung IBTSNGW3 L Full X0TTpb C0TTpbss T10835ss 2074 54563 1
Half X0TEpb C0H0TEpb T1H00037 1175 1
Half X0TJpb C0H0TJpb T1H01043 1189 1
Half X0TQpb C0H0TQpb T1H01114 1500 1
Half X0TVpb C0H0TVpb T1H01159 1399 1
Half X0TWpb C0H0TWpb T1H01152 1367 2
Heisei Kaku Gothic IBJHKGW5 M Full X0EFpb C0EFpbss T10300ss 2057 53249 1
Half X0EDpb C0H0EDpb T1H01002 1132 1
Half X0EJpb C0H0EJpb T1H01041 1187 1
Half X0EOpb C0H0EOpb T1H00290 1398 1
Half X0EVpb C0H0EVpb T1H01027 1398 1
Half X0EWpb C0H0EWpb T1H01031 1363 2
Half X0EYpb C0H0EYpb T1H01030 1363 2
Heisei Maru Gothic IBJHMGW4 SL Full X0PFpb C0PFpbss T10300ss 2057 53250 1
Half X0PDpb C0H0PDpb T1H01002 1132 1
Half X0PJpb C0H0PJpb T1H01041 1187 1
Half X0POpb C0H0POpb T1H00290 1398 1
Half X0PVpb C0H0PVpb T1H01027 1398 1
Half X0PWpb C0H0PWpb T1H01031 1363 2
Half X0PYpb C0H0PYpb T1H01030 1363 2
Heisei Mincho IBJHMNW3 L Full X0KFpb C0KFpbss T10300ss 2057 53248 1
Half X0KDpb C0H0KDpb T1H01002 1132 1
Half X0KJpb C0H0KJpb T1H01041 1187 1
Half X0KOpb C0H0KOpb T1H00290 1398 1
Half X0KVpb C0H0KVpb T1H01027 1398 1
Half X0KWpb C0H0KWpb T1H01031 1363 2
Half X0KYpb C0H0KYpb T1H01030 1363 2
Gothic IBHKG2W5 M Full X0GKpb C0GKpbss T10834ss 1010 53816 1
Full X0GHpb C0GHpbss T1K834ss 1094 1
Half X0GEpb C0H0GEpb T1H00833 1173 1
Half X0GJpb C0H0GJpb T1H01088 1267 1
Half X0GUpb C0H0GUpb T1H00833 1173 1
Half X0GNpb C0H0GNpb T1H01088 1267 1
Half X0GWpb C0H0GWpb T1H01150 1365 2
Myengjo IBHSM2W5 M Full X0MKpb C0MKpbss T10834ss 1010 53560 1
Full X0MHpb C0MHpbss T1K834ss 1094 1
Half X0MEpb C0H0MEpb T1H00833 1173 1
Half X0MJpb C0H0MJpb T1H01088 1267 1
Half X0MUpb C0H0MUpb T1H00833 1173 1
Half X0MNpb C0H0MNpb T1H01088 1267 1
Half X0MWpb C0H0MWpb T1H01150 1365 2