DASD String Summary, Part 2

The DASD STRING SUMMARY (2) includes only units that do not log usage statistics (such as the 9340, 2107, 2105, 1750 etc. control units).

A line in the report is generated by data from an MDR record. Each line is presented in the following columns:

SSID From sense bytes 20–21.
CONTROL UNIT Control unit type and model with the sequence number and string (underneath).
DEVICE Top line defines type and model with sequence number and physical device for each drive following this.
VOLUME VOLID as obtained from MDR record.
MODE FBA or CKD as indicated by selection criteria table; FBCK, if both are indicated for the same identifiers.
Note: The lines are sorted alphabetically by volume under the appropriate controller.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show examples of the DASD String Summary, Part 2.
Figure 1. DASD String Summary, Part 2 (1)
 DASD STRING SUMMARY (2)                          REPORT DATE  132 97
                                                  PERIOD FROM  123 97
                                                           TO  123 97
 SSID    SCU       DEVICE            VOLUME     MODE
 0505    9341
         43541.X   9345-1  37426-0A  SAWV15     CKD
                   9345-1  38722-0D  SAWV16     CKD
 1144    9343-C02
         17204.X   9345-1  N6210-02  SAWV09     CKD
                   9345-1  N6210-03  SAWV10     CKD
 2020    9343-C04
         21044.X   9345-1  N2114-08  SAWV12     CKD
                   9345-1  N9282-17  SAWV11     CKD
 3030    9343-D04
         21299.X   9345-1  A1091-04  SAWV13     CKD
                   9345-1  A1091-05  SAWV14     CKD
Figure 2. DASD String Summary, Part 2 (2)
 DASD STRING SUMMARY (2)                          REPORT DATE  220 07
                                                  PERIOD FROM  104 06
                                                           TO  104 06
 SSID    SCU       DEVICE            VOLUME     MODE
 4E43    2107
         BXXN1.X   2107+   *****-19  NWD359     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1A  NWD35A     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1B  NWD35B     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1C  NWD35C     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1D  NWD35D     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1E  NWD35E     CKD
                   2107+   *****-1F  NWD35F     CKD
 4E43    2107
                   2107+   *****-00  NWD360     CKD