Example 3: Moving a zone to another CSI data set
Assume that you need to move a zone from one CSI data set to another. You can do this with the ZONEEXPORT (described in The ZONEEXPORT command) and ZONEIMPORT commands. First, you export the zone to a sequential data set. In the process of exporting the zone, you also delete the zone and its zone index by specifying PURGE(INDEX). Next, you define a new zone index pointing to the new CSI data set and then import the zone.
The following SMP/E commands move a zone from one CSI data set
to another CSI data set:
SET BDY (MVSTZ) /* Set to zone to export. */.
ZONEEXPORT (MVSTZ) /* Export zone MVSTZ. */
OUTFILE(EXPORT1) /* DD statement for output. */
PURGE(INDEX) /* Delete zone MVSTZ */
/* and its zone index. */.
SET BDY(GLOBAL) /* Set to global zone. */.
UCLIN /* Define new zone index. */.
ZINDEX( /* */
) /* */
/* */.
ENDUCL /* */.
SET BDY(MVSTZ) /* Set to new zone. */.
ZONEIMPORT (MVSTZ) /* Import zone MVSTZ */
INFILE(EXPORT1) /* from specified DD */
INTO(MVSTZ) /* into target zone MVSTZ. */.
After the ZONEEXPORT and ZONEIMPORT operations, you have moved zone MVSTZ into SMP.IMPORT.CSI.