Example 2: ZONEEDIT summary report for PATH subentries Figure 1 contains examples of the long pathnames that can appear in PATH subentries. Figure 1. ZONEEDIT summary report: sample report for PATH subentries PAGE nnnn - NOW SET TO zzzzzz ZONE nnnnnnn DATE mm/dd/yy TIME hh:mm:ss SMP/E 36.nn SMPRPT OUTPUT SUMMARY REPORT FOR ZONEEDIT ENTRY NAME FIELD NAME FROM TO BPXLIB1 PATH '/this/pathname/needs/only/1/report/record/' '/and/this/name/needs/only/1/report/record/' BPXLIB2 PATH '/this/is/a/very/long/path/name/It requires/ '/so/too/is/this/a/very/long/path/name/It re more/than/a/single/line/to/display./it/also/ quires/more/than/a/single/line/to/display./i contains/a/''/single/quote/' t/also/contains/a/''/single/quote/'