Gathering diagnostic information
The RSVP Agent writes logging information to a log file. The level of logged information is controlled by the LogLevel configuration statement. By default, only error and warning messages are written. To gather more diagnostic information, you can specify a LogLevel value. The maximum information is logged with a LogLevel value of 511. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide for more details on using LogLevel, as well as the location of the log file.
The following information can also be useful in diagnosing
RSVP Agent problems:
- Output from the TSO NETSTAT SLAP or netstat -j commands
- Output from the pasearch command for RSVP scoped policies
- SNMP output from walks of the Network SLAPM2 Subagent MIB tables
- TCP/IP CTRACE output, using the INTERNET and IOCTL CTRACE options
- Policy Agent log output if RSVP scoped policies are defined