How EREP selects records when building reports
After records have been filtered and validity checked, EREP reviews each record to see whether to include it in the requested reports. Since each report has its specific criteria, not all records appear in all reports.
If you do not see a record that you feel should be in the report,
check the EREP messages file to see if the record is listed. If it
is not, consider the following:
- The sense data can cause a record to be excluded from a report. If sense byte 26, bit 6 is turned off in a 3390 record, the record is not included in the system exception series (SYSEXN) reports.
- The record could be a type that is not normally processed by the particular report. SIM-producing device records do not appear on a TRENDS report.
- The record may have been rejected. Records that have not passed through the previous checks are not included in the report.