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Specifies the default value to be used if the operand specified by the PARM operand is entered without a value (see Example 3 in Examples of USS command conversion).

VALUE is in contrast with the DEFAULT operand, which specifies the default to be used if the operand itself is not entered.
  1. If multiple VALUE operands are specified for the same operand, the first VALUE operand is used.
  2. If the parameter in the PARM operand allows a network-qualified name to be specified, then the value of VALUE can be a network-qualified name.
  3. The DEFAULT and VALUE operands cannot be coded on the same USSPARM macroinstruction. To use both operands, code two USSPARM macroinstructions with the same value specified for PARM. The macroinstruction specifying VALUE must precede the one containing the DEFAULT operand. If REP is to be specified, it must be on the macroinstruction containing the VALUE operand. For example,