Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNQNMODE=value_of_nqnmode_start_optionNQNMODE=value_of_nqnmode_start_optionNAMENQNAME

Indicates whether VTAM® defines the cross-network resource by its non-network-qualified name and its network-qualified name or by only its network-qualified name.

NQNMODE is valid only for cross-domain and cross-network resources that are defined under a NETWORK definition statement. Same-network CDRSCs are always considered to be defined with NQNMODE=NAME because these resources are always identified by their non-network-qualified names.

When NQNMODE is specified on the CDRSC definition statement, it overrides the value specified on the NQNMODE start option. Dynamic CDRSCs are controlled by the NQNMODE start option.

Table 1 shows the various ways NQNMODE applies to different types of CDRSCs.
The cross-network resource is defined by both its network-qualified name and its non-network-qualified name. The same-network CDRSC is always considered to be defined using NQNMODE=NAME because it is always identified by its non-network-qualified name. This is the mode in which pre-V4 releases of VTAM operate.

If a CDRSC is defined using NQNMODE=NAME (either by definition or start option), then no other resource can be defined to that host by the same non-network-qualified name.

The cross-network resources is defined by its network-qualified name and is not defined to this host by its non-network-qualified name.

If you have duplicate names in your SNA-interconnected networks and want to avoid using other forms of alias name translation, you can specify (either by definition or start option) NQNMODE=NQNAME.

Table 1. How NQNMODE relates to CDRSCs
Predefined CDRSCs with NETID CDRSC and start option (CDRSC overrides start option) Cross-network resources defined by their non-network-qualified names and their network qualified names Cross-network resources defined by their network-qualified names only
Predefined CDRSCs without NETID Neither (NQNMODE not applicable)    
Dynamic CDRSCs defined by their network-qualified names and their implied alias names (consisting of their non-network-qualified names and the network identifiers of their session partners). Start option CDRSCs defined by their non-network-qualified names and their network qualified names CDRSCs defined by their network-qualified names
Same-network CDRSCs and native independent LUs Neither (NQNMODE not applicable) Has no effect. Network-qualified name and non-network-qualified name are considered equivalent. Has no effect. Network-qualified name and non-network-qualified name are considered equivalent.
Nonnatively attached independent LUs defined as LUs with LOCADDR=0 coded Start option CDRSCs defined by their non-network-qualified names and their network qualified names CDRSCs defined by their network-qualified names only
Nonnatively attached independent LUs defined as CDRSCs CDRSC and start option (CDRSC overrides start option) CDRSCs defined by their non-network-qualified names and their network qualified names CDRSCs defined by their network-qualified names only