CEESGLN — Signal invalid resume request

The CEESGLN callable service signals a condition to the Language Environment condition manager; optionally, this service can also provide qualifying data and create an ISI for a condition for which resumption is not supported.


void (*CEELIBVxSGLN) (cond_rep, [q_data_token])
FEEDBACK  *cond_rep;
INT4      *q_data_token;
A field in the Language Environment LIBVEC that points to the signal invalid resume request routine. Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,CEECAACELV-CEECAA(,R12)     CAA address is in R12
L     R15,3008(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
cond_rep (input)
A condition token that defines the condition to be raised; it is passed by reference.
q_data_token (input/optional)
A 32-bit data token that is passed to the condition manager when a condition is signal; this value may be a pointer or any other information that may be required. This information is placed in the ISI for use in accessing the qualifying data associated with the given instance of the condition.
Usage Note: CEESGLN cannot signal a severity 0 or 1 condition. If this is attempted, the following condition is passed to CEEHDSP.
CEE3B1 Severity 3
Msg_No 3425
Message Severity 0 or 1 condition signaled with CEESGLN.