Termination scope
The termination scope identifies a task to which the connection is to be associated for the purposes of termination processing. If the indicated task terminates, XCF deletes the connection. A connection is also deleted when the connector address space terminates, or when the connector system terminates. For a connection with task scope (TCBSENV is nonzero), the connection is also deleted when the connector task terminates.
A connection cannot be associated with a task or address space that has terminated, or that is in the midst of being terminated.
The connection can be bound to the task that issued the create connection request. Alternatively, the connection can be bound to any task in the Task Control Block (TCB) chain that runs from the requester task up to the job step program task. In other words, the connection can be bound to the connector task, or to the parent task of the connector task, or to the parent task of that task, and so on up to and including the job step program task. If the requester indicates that the connection is to be bound to an address space, the connection will in fact be bound to the task that owns the cross-memory resources for the address space (the TCB for this task is anchored in the ASCBXTCB field of the address space control block which is mapped by IHAASCB).
If a program is running authorized when it issues the request to create the connection, the connection can be bound to an arbitrary task in the home address space. If the authorized program is running cross-memory mode with primary not equal to home when it creates the connection (which implies USAGE=CONNECTOR), the connection can be bound to an arbitrary task in the primary address space.