The UCLIN command

With the UCLIN command you can add, delete, or replace entries in the following SMP/E data sets:
Note: With the UCLIN command, you can make changes similar to those that can be made to other data sets with the IMASPZAP utilities. However, you cannot use a utility or an editor to change the information in these data sets; you must use the UCLIN command.

UCLIN updates only entries in SMP/E data sets. It does nothing to any elements or load modules in any product libraries. You must ensure that the appropriate changes are made to the libraries.

Be sure you understand the relationships between the various entries before making any UCLIN changes. This helps ensure that any UCLIN changes you make are complete and consistent with one another. When SMP/E processes UCLIN, it checks only the specified entry. It does not check how the changes might affect other entries.

The following terms are used in this discussion of UCLIN processing:
A field within an entry. Each subentry has an associated type and value. An example of a single-value subentry is the PEMAX subentry in the OPTIONS entry.
subentry list
Multiple occurrences of the same subentry type in an entry, each with a different value. For example, the modules supplied by a PTF are saved as names in the MOD subentry list within the PTF's SYSMOD entry.
subentry indicator
A field in an entry that does not have a data value associated with it. An example of a subentry indicator is the APP indicator in a SYSMOD entry.