Return code meanings
Hexadecimal Return Code | Name | Meaning |
0 | CUN_RC_OK | No error, successfully completed. |
4 | CUN_RC_WARN | Warning, see reason code for more information. |
8 | CUN_RC_USER_ERR | User error, action required. See reason code for more information. |
0C | CUN_RC_ENV_ERR | Error caused by the environment, the request cannot be processed. See reason code for more information. |
10 | CUN_RC_SYS_ERR | System error, inconsistent state. See reason code for more information. |
The following table identifies the hexadecimal return and reason codes and the name associated with each reason code.
Hexadecimal Return Code | Hexadecimal Reason Code | Name of reason code Meaning and Action | Component |
0 | 0 | Name: CUN_RS_OK Meaning: The operation was successful. Action: None. |
All |
4 | 1 | Name: CUN_RS_TRG_EXH Meaning: The target buffer was exhausted before all characters in the source buffer were converted. Action: Call the service again with either a target buffer large enough to hold the complete result of the conversion or keep the result of the conversion just performed and repeat calling the service with the part of the source buffer that was not converted and concatenate the results of the various conversions. |
Conversion |
4 | 2 | Name: CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE_NOSET Meaning: Conversion is terminated. The handle is invalid because a SET UNI command has changed the environment. Action: Clear the handle and make sure that the FROM-CCSID and TO-CCSID are specified in the parameter area. Then call the service again. |
Conversion |
4 | 3 | Name: CUN_RS_INV_HANDLE_SET Meaning: Conversion is terminated. The handle is invalid because a SET UNI command is in process and will change the conversion environment. Action: Clear the handle and make sure that the FROM-CCSID and TO-CCSID are specified in the parameter area. Consider waiting until the SET UNI command completes before calling the service again. Otherwise the same error condition is returned. |
Conversion |
4 | 4 | Name: CUN_RS_NO_HANDLE Meaning: Conversion is terminated. No handle can be obtained because a SET UNI command is in process and will change the conversion environment. Action: Clear the handle and make sure that the FROM-CCSID and TO-CCSID are specified in the parameter area. Consider waiting until the SET UNI command completes before calling the service again. Otherwise the same error condition is returned. |
Conversion |
4 | 6 | Name: CUN_RS_SUB_ACT_TERM Meaning: A character was found in the source buffer which cannot be converted into a TO-CCSID character and the CUNBNPRM_Sub_Action flag specifies terminate with error. Action:
Conversion |
4 | 7 | Name: CUN_RS_MBC_INCOMPLETE Meaning: An incomplete character was found in the source buffer. This error happens when not all bytes of a multi-byte character are found in the source buffer. For example, the incomplete character can be found at the end of the source buffer if only the first byte of a double-byte character fits into the buffer. Action: Check whether the input string is correct. Make sure that the missing bytes are in the source string. |
Conversion |
4 | 8 | Name: CUN_RS_CONTINUATION Meaning: For character casing, the character condition of being FINAL or NON_FINAL in a word could not be determined, as the character was the last character in the source buffer but not the last character in the caller's source data. The character in question is not cased. Action: Next call to casing service needs to start with the uncased character of this call as the first source character. |
Case |
4 | 9 | Name: CUN_RS_STAGE2_FAIL Meaning: An indirect character conversion, which first converts from the source CCSID into UCS-2 characters in a workarea and then in a second stage from the workarea to the target buffer, experienced an error during stage 2 conversion. As there is no correlation of the failing stage 2 character to a certain stage 1 character, we reset the source and target pointers and length values to the original caller's values. The workarea pointer and length values are updated to point to the character which failed conversion. Action: Check whether the input string and the parameter settings used are reasonable. |
Conversion |
4 | 0A | Name: CUN_RS_WRK_EXH Meaning: The work buffer was exhausted before all characters in the target buffer could be processed. Action: Call the service again with the new parameter value in the work buffer, where the work buffer size must be at least the same size as the target buffer. |
Normalization |
4 | 0B | Name: CUN_RS_SOURCE_LEN_ZERO Meaning: For collation, one or both of the source input parameters or both (CUNBOPRM_Src1_Buf_Len or CUNBOPRM_Src2_Buf_Len) has length zero. This is a completely valid operation when a comparison is needed. When a sort key needs to be generated, users will not be notified about zero lengths. Action: Avoid the call to collation if one of the source input parameters has length zero (if CUNBOPRM_SKey_Opt=OFF). Performance will be improved. Results will be the same. |
Collation |
4 | 0C | Name: CUN_RS_MAL_CHAR_ACT_TERM Meaning: A character was found in the source buffer which is not a valid source character and could not be converted. CUNBCPRM_Mal_Action specifies “terminate with error”. Action: Check whether the input string is correct and the correct conversion tables were used. An incomplete character may be causing a range check to fail. |
Conversion |
4 | 0D | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_COLL_DATA_VER Meaning: The specified Collation version is already loaded into the Unicode DataSpace. Action: Check whether the specified collation version is correct and recall the service. |
Collation |
4 | 0E | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_ALTERNATE_VALUE Meaning: Invalid alternate value. When Collation API version is set to CUNBOPRM_Ver2 or CUN4BOPR_Ver2 (31 and 64 bit respectively) there are only two valid values. If the invalid value is entered, this RS is set and the default value is set. Action:
Call the service again with a valid alternate value:
Collation |
4 | 0F | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_NORMALIZATION_VALUE Meaning: Invalid normalization value. When Collation API version is set to CUNBOPRM_Ver2 or CUN4BOPR_Ver2 (31 and 64 bit respectively), there are only two valid values. If invalid value is entered, this RS is set and default is value is set. Action: Call
the service again with a valid normalization value:
Collation |
4 | 10 | Name: CUN_RS_LOCALES_AND_UCR_ARE_EXCLUSIVE Meaning: CUNBOPRM_Locale/CUN4BOPR_Locale (31-bit and 64-bit respectively) and CUNBOPRM_Collation_Rules_File/ CUN4BOPR_Collation_Rules_File (31-bit and 64-bit respectively) are mutually exclusive. If this were the case then this RS is set and Locale info has the highest priority over User Collation Rules sets. Action: Call the service again with CUNBOPRM_Locales/CUN4BPRM_Locales (31-bit and 64-bit respectively) information or CUNBOPRM_Collation_Rules_File/ CUN4BOPR_Collation_Rules_File Collation (31-bit and 64-bit respectively) rules information but not both. |
Collation |
8 | 1 | Name: CUN_RS_PARM_VER Meaning: Wrong version of the parameter area used. Action: Use
the correct parameter area version constant provided in the following
interface definition file.
the service is called successfully, CUNBIPRM_Return_Code = 0 and CUNBIPRM_Reason_Code
= 0. |
Conversion |
8 | 2 | Name: CUN_RS_WRK_BUF_SMALL Meaning: The work buffer is not large enough to hold at least one character of the maximum width of characters as used with the work buffer in indirect conversions. Action: Call the service again using a work buffer of larger size. |
Conversion, Normalization, Collation, StringPrep |
8 | 3 | Name: CUN_RS_CCSID_NOT_SUPP Meaning: The specified conversion is not supported in the current conversion image. Action: Verify that the FROM-CCSID, TO-CCSID, and technique-search-order parameters on the call to the conversion services specify a conversion that has been included in the currently active conversion image. The DISPLAY UNI command can be used by the system operator to display the available conversions. Have your system administrator update the conversion image to include the specified conversion or change the parameter specification as appropriate. |
All |
8 | 4 | Name: CUN_RS_CASE_NOT_SUPP Meaning:
It can be one of the following meanings:
Case |
8 | 5 | Name: CUN_RS_SUBCODEPAGE Meaning: The subcodepage number supplied by the caller in the input parameter list is invalid. It is not in the range of numbers valid for the specified conversion. Action: Call the service again with a subcodepage number in the valid range. A value of binary zero will let the conversion start with the default codepage for this conversion. |
Conversion |
8 | 6 | Name: CUN_RS_TRG_BUF_SMALL Meaning: The target buffer is not large enough to hold at least one character of the maximum width of characters as given by the TO-CCSID. For CASE, Normalization, StrigPrep, and BIDI Unicode Services, target buffer is not large enough to hold at least one UTF-16 BE character. For Collation Service, target buffer is not large enough to hold at least one UTF-16 BE as intermediate normalized string or target buffer is not large enough to hold at least one sort-key value. Action: Call the service again using a target buffer of adequate length. |
All |
8 | 7 | Name: CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL It can be either of the following reasons:
Conversion, Case, Normalization, Collation, Information Service |
8 | 8 | Name: CUN_RS_DDA_MIN_SMALL Meaning: The caller supplied a DDA buffer that is not large enough for the storage needed for the initial call to CUNMCNV, CUN4MNCV, CUNMNORM, CUN4MNOR, CUNMOCOL, or CUN4MCOL. Action: You can take
one of the following actions:
Conversion, Normalization, Collation |
8 | 9 | Name: CUN_RS_INV_NORM_TYPE Meaning: An unsupported normalization type was specified in normalization parameter area (CUNBOPRM). Action: Call the service again using a valid normalization type: CUNBNPRM_D=1, CUNBNPRM_C=2, CUNBNPRM_KD=3, CUNBNPRM_KC=4. |
Normalization |
8 | 0A | Name: CUN_RS_INV_COLL_LEVEL Meaning: An unsupported collation level was specified. Action: Use a valid collation level in IDF_CUNBOIDF. |
Collation |
8 | 0B | Name: CUN_RS_NO_SERV_AVAILABLE Meaning: An unavailable service was called in the active image. Action: Use SET command to load an image with the service available. |
Case, Normalization, Collation |
8 | 0C | Name: CUN_RS_WRK_EXHAUSTED Meaning: The work buffer was exhausted before all the Unicode characters (source buffers) were represented in collation elements (weights – work buffers). Action: Call the service again with new parameter value in the work buffer. |
Collation |
8 | 0D | Name: CUN_RS_TARG_EXHAUSTED Meaning: The target buffer was exhausted before all collation elements (work buffers) were represented in a sort key (target buffers). Action: Call the service again with new parameter value n in the target buffer. |
Collation |
8 | 0E | Name: CUN_RS_REAL_EXHAUSTED Meaning: There is not enough real storage to dynamically store the tables in the image during the conversion request. Action:
Increase the Realstorage value using:
The target buffer was exhausted before all collation elements (work buffers) were represented in a sort key (target buffers). |
All |
8 | 10 | Name: CUN_RS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND Meaning: The specified profile was not found on the default or the user specified data set. Action: Verify that the profile parameter on the call to the conversion services exists on the data set or is loaded. The system operator can use the DISPLAY UNI command to display the available profiles. |
Stringprep |
8 | 11 | Name: CUN_RS_UNASSIGNED_CODE_POINT Meaning: A character was found in the source buffer which is in the unassigned range. CUNBPPRM_UNASSIGNER = 1 specifies "terminate with error". Action: Check whether the input string is correct. |
Stringprep |
8 | 12 | Name: CUN_RS_STRINGPREP_FAILED_AT Meaning: Stringprep service failed while running one of the steps on the profile. Action: Call the service again. |
Stringprep |
8 | 14 | Name: CUN_RS_SRC_BUFF_LEN_ZERO Meaning: Source buffer length is 0. Action: Call the service again with new parameter value in the source buffer length. |
Stringprep |
8 | 15 | Name: CUN_RS_SRC_BUFF_PTR_NULL Meaning: Source buffer pointer is NULL. Action: Call the service again with a valid source buffer pointer. |
Stringprep |
8 | 16 | Name: CUN_RS_TRG_BUFF_PTR_NULL Meaning: Target buffer pointer is NULL. Action: Call the service again with a valid target buffer pointer. |
Stringprep |
8 | 17 | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_NORM_DATA_VER Meaning: Invalid Normalization data Version was introduced when trying to use the Normalization services. Action: Call the service
again with a valid normalization data version (31/64-bit respectively):
Normalization |
8 | 18 | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_COLLATION_KEYWORD_VALUES Meaning: Invalid collation keyword values were introduced in CUN4BOPR_Collation_Keyword or CUNBOPRM_Collation_Keyword (31/64-bit respectively) collation parameter area field. Action: Specify a valid keyword value and call the service again. For further information, see CUN4BOPR_Collation_Keyword or CUNBOPRM_Collation_Keyword (31/64-bit respectively) in the collation parameter description topic. |
Collation |
8 | 19 | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_UCA_VERSION Meaning: Invalid Unicode collation version (or incompatible UCA version to the collation version) on fields: CUN4BOPR_UCA_Ver or CUNBOPRM_UCA_Ver (31/64-bit respectively) Action: Call the service again
with a valid or compatible UCA version to the collation version (31/64-bit
Collation |
8 | 1A | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_CASEFIST_VALUE Meaning: Invalid case first value. Action: Call the service again
with a valid case first value:
Collation |
8 | 1B | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_LOCALE_INPUT Meaning: Invalid locale input. Action: See Locales for collation and case support for valid locales support. |
Collation |
8 | 1C | Name: CUN_RS_TARG_BUFF_LEN_ZERO Meaning: Target buffer length is 0. Action: Call the service again with new parameter value in the target buffer length. |
Stringprep |
8 | 1D | Name: CUN_RS_WRK_BUFF_LEN_ZERO Meaning: Work buffer length is 0. Action: Call the service again with new parameter value in the work buffer length. |
Stringprep |
8 | 1E | Name: CUN_RS_WRK_BUFF_PTR_NULL Meaning: Work buffer pointer is NULL. Action: Call the service again with a valid work buffer pointer. |
Stringprep |
8 | 1F | Name: CUN_RS_OVERLAYING_COLLATION_KEYWORD Meaning: Collation keyword values are overlaid (same collation keywords appear more than once at CUNBOPRM_COLLATION_KEYWORD/ CUN4BOPR_COLLATION_KEYWORD (31-bit and 64-bit respectively). Action: Remove collation keywords that appear more than once. |
Collation |
8 | 20 | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_UNI_VERSION Meaning: An unsupported Unicode version was specified for CASE conversion service. Action:
Specify one of the following:
Conversion |
8 | 21 | Name: CUN_RS_BIDI_CANNOT_SHAPE Meaning: Transformation stopped due to an input code element that cannot be shaped. Action: Call the service again with different input. |
Conversion |
8 | 22 | Name: CUN_RS_BIDI_INCOMPLETE_COMPOSITE Meaning: Transformation stopped due to an incomplete composite sequence at the end of the source buffer. Action: Call the service again with different input. |
Conversion |
8 | 23 | Name: CUN_RS_BIDI_RANGE_ERROR Meaning: More than 15 embedding levels are present, or the source buffer contains unbalanced directional layout information (push/pop), or an incomplete composite sequence has been detected in the beginning of the source buffer. Action: Call the service again with different input. |
Conversion |
8 | 24 | Name: CUN_RS_BIDI_PARM_CONFLICT Meaning: The parameter values are set to a meaningless combination. Action: Call the service again with different input. |
Conversion |
8 | 25 | Name: CUN_RS_INVALID_BIDI_KEYWORD_VALUES Meaning: Invalid keyword values were introduced. Action: Call the service again with a valid keyword value. |
Conversion |
8 | 26 | Name: CUN_RS_LOC_NOT_SUPPORTED Meaning: The locale name specified in the locale parameter is not supported. Action: Call the service again with a valid locale name. |
Dynamic locale service |
8 | 27 | Name: CUN_RS_LOC_CCSID_NOT_SUPPORTED Meaning: The CCSID specified for the Targ_CCSID parameter is not supported. Action: Call the service again with a valid CCSID. |
Dynamic locale service |
8 | 28 | Name: CUN_RS_LOC_BUILD_ERROR Meaning: An error was encountered while building the target locale. Action: Call the service again with different input. |
Dynamic locale service |
8 | 29 | Name: CUN_RS_LOC_ENV_ERROR Meaning: An I/O error was encountered while building the target locale. Action: Check your file system environment and call the service again. |
Dynamic locale service |
8 | 2A | Name: CUN_RS_LOC_DATA_FMT_NOT_SUPPORTED Meaning: The dynamic locale service does not support more than two byte codes when the CUNBLPRM_Flags1 Data_fmt bit is set to 1. Action: Call the service again with a valid CCSID. |
Dynamic locale service |
0C | 1 | Name: CUN_RS_NO_UNI_ENV Meaning: The conversion environment is not set up. Action: IPL is necessary to initialize the conversion environment. |
All |
0C | 2 | Name: CUN_RS_NO_CONVERSION Meaning: The conversion services are not available. Action: IPL is necessary to load the conversion services. |
Conversion |
0C | 3 | Name: CUN_RS_DYN_ACTION_FAILED Meaning:
The dynamic action failed because either:
Action: Contact your system operator to load conversion services via SET UNI command. If problems persist, refer to message CUN4026I for more details. |
Infrastructure |
0C | 4 | Name: CUN_RS_NO_MEM Meaning: Unable to allocate memory. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Conversion |
10 | 1 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCCB Meaning: The UCCB is in an inconsistent state. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Infrastructure |
10 | 2 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCCE Meaning: The UCCE is in an inconsistent state. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Infrastructure |
10 | 3 | Name: CUN_RS_INV_CONVERSION Meaning: The contents of UCCE_CONVERSION are invalid. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Conversion |
10 | 4 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCAE Meaning: The UCAE is in an inconsistent state. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Infrastructure |
10 | 5 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_TABLES Meaning: The tables used for case conversion have inconsistent content. Action: Run the image generator to create a new image with the appropriate case tables and issue the SET UNI command to activate it. |
Conversion |
10 | 6 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCNE Meaning: The UCAE is in an inconsistent state. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Infrastructure |
10 | 7 | Name: CUN_RS_INCONSISTENT_UCOE Meaning: The UCOE is in an inconsistent state. Action: IPL is necessary to recover. |
Infrastructure |
10 | 1C | Name: CUN_RS_WA_NOT_ALIGNED Meaning: An internal work area for the TRxx simulation code is not aligned on a double word boundary. Action: This is an internal error. Call the IBM® Support Center. IPL is necessary to recover. |
Conversion |
10 | 20 | Name: CUN_RS_TABLE_NOT_ALIGNED Meaning: The conversion table is not aligned on a page boundary. Action: This is an internal error. Call the IBM Support Center. IPL is necessary to recover. |
Conversion |