
An unauthorized program issued a restricted Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction:

Your program is authorized if it has at least one of the following types of authorization:
  • runs in supervisor state
  • Has PSW key 0-7
  • Is in an APF-authorized environment

System action

The system writes a logrec data set error record.

Operator response

If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap:

System programmer response

Do the following:
  1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump.
  2. In the system trace, look for the SVC D or *SVCE D entry for abend X'047'.
  3. Look for an SVC entry preceding the entry found in step 2. The SVC entry should be for the same TCB and have the same ASID as the entry found in step 2. The PSW for this SVC entry contains the address of the unauthorized program that issued a restricted SVC.
  4. Use the PSW found in step 3 to identify the unauthorized module that issued the restricted SVC.
    • For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module.
    • For an IBM® module whose module prefix is IED or IKJ, the module is most likely a TCAM module. Specify AUTHA=NO on the INTRO macro in the TCAM MCP program and run the job again. If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the TCAM group at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record.
    • For an IBM module that is not part of TCAM, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record.


Supervisor control