Diagnosing FTP connection and transfer failures with EZA2589E

EZA2589E is issued to describe a timeout or interruption while the FTP client was processing. The following example shows the message format:
EZA2589E Connection to server interrupted or timed out. operation

The message indicates the operation that was in progress when the FTP interruption occurred. Each operation is listed below along with the timer being used and the suggested response. Timers can be set individually in FTP.DATA, or all the timers can be set to one value using the (TI xx or -t xx option when starting the FTP client. See z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands for more information regarding the timers.

If the message was generated due to a user interruption, such as using Ctrl-C, ensure the FTP client had enough time to complete before being interrupted. In some cases, a packet trace or a CTRACE might be required to determine why the message was issued. See TCP/IP services traces and IPCS support or INFOAPAR II12014 for instructions for taking packet traces and CTRACES.

For more information about EZA2589E, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 1 (EZA).