Return and Reason Codes

When the system returns control to your program:
  • GPR 15 (and RETCODE, if specified) contains a return code.
  • If the return code is not zero, GPR 0 (and RSNCODE, if specified) contains a reason code.
Note: The return and reason codes will also be put into the answer area (mapped by IXLYCAA), if there is one, when the request completes.
The IXLYCON macro provides equate symbols for the return and reason codes. The equate symbols associated with each hexadecimal return code are as follows:

The following table contains hexadecimal return and reason codes, the equate symbols associated with each reason code, and the meaning and suggested action for each return and reason code.

Table 1. Return and Reason Codes for the IXLCACHE REQUEST=UNLOCK_CASTOUT Macro
Return Code
Reason Code
Equate Symbol
Meaning and Action
0 None. Meaning: If you specified a MODE value of ASYNCECB, ASYNCEXIT, or ASYNCTOKEN, the request has been successfully initiated. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields will not contain valid information until the asynchronous processing has completed. For any other MODE value, the request has successfully completed.
  • If you specified MODE=ASYNCECB, wait on the ECB you specified in REQECB.
  • If you specified MODE=ASYNCEXIT, the connection's complete exit will be given control when the request has completed.
  • If you specified MODE=ASYNCTOKEN, use REQTOKEN when calling IXLFCOMP to determine when the request has completed.
4 xxxx0402 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEASYNCH
Meaning: The request could not be processed synchronously. It will be processed asynchronously. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields will not contain valid information until the asynchronous processing has completed.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCECB, the ECB specified in REQECB will be posted when the request has finished.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCEXIT, the connection's complete exit will be given control when the request has finished.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCTOKEN, the REQTOKEN contains an asynchronous request token that may be used on the IXLFCOMP macro to determine when the request has completed.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCECB, wait on the ECB you specified in REQECB.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCEXIT, the connection's completion exit will be given control when the request has completed.
  • If you specified MODE=SYNCTOKEN, use REQTOKEN when calling IXLFCOMP to determine when the request has completed.
4 xxxx0409 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODETIMEOUT

Meaning: The request has completed prematurely because the model-dependent time-out criteria of the coupling facility has been exceeded. The index of the next name element to be processed has been returned in the answer area (field CAAULINDEX).

Action: Reissue the request. Update FIRSTNAME (from CAAULINDEX) with the index of the next name element to be processed.

Be sure to process the information returned from this request before reissuing the request. The data returned from this request will be overwritten if you specify the same buffer address. Continue to reissue the request until the return code indicates that all processing has completed.

For more information about premature request completion, see z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Guide.

8 xxxx0801 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADPARMLIST

Meaning: The parameter list (mfctrl) for this request is not addressable. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields are not valid.

  • Verify the parameter list address.
  • The parameter list must be addressable in the caller's primary address space or from the caller's PASN access list.
  • If you are issuing this macro while disabled, the parameter list must reside in either page-fixed or DREF storage.
  • If you are issuing this macro in AR-mode and you specified the parameter list address using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register must be updated appropriately.
  • If you are issuing this macro in AR-mode, SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR must be issued before this macro.
8 xxxx0804 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADVERSION#

Meaning: The version number in the macro parameter list is not compatible with the level of XES currently being used. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields are not valid.

  • Verify that your program did not overlay the parameter list storage.
  • Verify that your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS™ on which your program is running.
  • Verify that your program is running on an MVS system that supports the version of the macro you are using.
Meaning: Program error. The specified connect token (CONTOKEN) was not valid for one of the following reasons:
  1. The user with the connection identifier represented by the token has disconnected from the structure.
  2. The connector's task (the task that issued IXLCONN) ended.
  3. The specified token is not the token that was returned from IXLCONN.
  4. The request was issued from an address space other than the address space in which IXLCONN was issued.
  5. The connect token was invalidated during rebuild.
  6. The connect token was invalidated by XES.
Note: The answer area (ANSAREA) fields are not valid.
Action: Verify that the CONTOKEN value specified was valid and for the correct structure. The numbers on the following actions correspond to the numbers above.
  1. Discontinue use. Perform recovery and cleanup for the structure and check protocol for use of structure to determine why you did not know of the disconnection.
  2. Discontinue use. Perform recovery and cleanup for the structure and check protocol for use of structure to determine why you did not know that the task ended.
  3. Issue IXLCONN to connect to the structure. The contoken is returned in the CONACONTOKEN field of the answer area specified on the IXLCONN request.
  4. Issue your request from the same address space the IXLCONN was issued.
  5. Participate in the rebuild. When it is complete, try again.
  6. Discontinue use. Perform recovery and cleanup for the structure and check protocol for use of structure.

You may want to issue IXCQUERY to get more information about the structure.

Meaning: You requested that an entry in BUFFER or BUFLIST have its change bit overridden to indicate that the entry contains changed data, but this option is incompatible with the current cast-out lock state value, "write with castout." The "write with castout" state is entered when the cast-out lock is obtained by a WRITE_DATA request specifying GETCOLOCK=YES. The following fields are returned in the answer area:
For a description of cast-out lock state values, see mapping macro IXLYCAA.
Action: The lock state and value are returned in the answer area (ANSAREA).
  • Determine who holds the lock for this data item.
  • Verify the names in the buffer you have passed.
  • Verify the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME indexes.
  • Determine why this entry was in your list.

You can bypass the current entry by updating FIRSTNAME with the index after the value in CAAULINDEX, and resubmitting your request.

8 xxxx0824 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEWRONGSTRTYPE

Meaning: The connect token specified by CONTOKEN is not to a cache structure.

Action: Verify the connect token for this cache structure.

Note: The connect token can be found in the IXLCONN answer area. Verify the value specified on the TYPE= parameter of the IXLCONN request for this structure.
8 xxxx0825 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODENOENTRY

Meaning: Program error. The request failed because a name element specified an entry name that is not in the cache structure. All name elements before the offending name were processed; no name elements beyond the offending name were processed. The index of the offending name is returned in the answer area (field CAAULINDEX).

Action: Reissue the request specifying for FIRSTNAME the next valid name element to be processed.

8 xxxx0829 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADUNLOCKVAL

Meaning: Program error. The UNLOCK_CASTOUT request encountered a name element for which the cast-out lock was not held for the connection specified by CONTOKEN and/or the PROCESSID specified. Processing was halted with this name element. The lock state (field CAACOLOCKSTATE) and lock value (field CAACOLOCKVAL) for the element as well as the index value (field CAAULINDEX) for the name element that caused the failure are returned in the answer area (ANSAREA).


Specify for FIRSTNAME the index of the next name element (CAAULINDEX + 1) for which the cast-out lock is held, and reissue the request.

8 xxxx082B Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADIDINDEX

Meaning: Program error. The name index specified by either FIRSTNAME or LASTNAME is not valid. Some elements may have been processed. CAAULINDEX contains the index of the name that caused the failure.

Action: Ensure that FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME specify valid indexes into the elements stored in BUFLIST or BUFFER.

8 xxxx082F Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADPARITY

Meaning: Program error. The parity bits in a name element are not valid.

Action: The buffers specified in the request contained parity bits that were not valid. The answer area field CAAULINDEX, contains the index of the name element that caused the failure. The value for the parity bits may be 00, 01, or 11 in bits 2 and 3 of the specification (xxpp xxxx where pp is the parity bits). See mapping macro IXLYCUNB to find the parity bits in the buffer.

8 xxxx0833 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADPGBLATTR

Meaning: Program error. The storage area specified by BUFFER, or one of the buffers in the BUFLIST list is specified as being pageable (PAGEABLE=YES) but is not.

Action: Change the buffer area(s) to pageable storage, or specify PAGEABLE=NO. See the PAGEABLE parameter description for specification instructions.


Meaning: Program error. The storage area specified by BUFFER, or one of the buffers in the BUFLIST list is specified as being nonpageable (PAGEABLE=NO) but is either pageable or not addressable.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The type of storage in the buffer area corresponds to the value you specified on the PAGEABLE parameter. See the PAGEABLE parameter description for specification instructions.
  • The correct buffer address was used.
  • The buffer area(s) were not previously freed.
  • If BUFLIST was specified and your program is running in AR mode, ensure that:
    • The BUFALET specification is correct.
    • You specified SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR before issuing the macro.
  • If the caller is running in AR-mode and the BUFFER or BUFLIST parameter was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated appropriately.
8 xxxx0835 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADDATAADDR

Meaning: Program error. The storage area specified by BUFFER, or one of the buffers in the BUFLIST list, is not addressable.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The correct buffer address was used for BUFFER or for a buffer within the BUFLIST.
  • The buffer area(s) were not previously freed.
  • The buffer area(s) were allocated in a storage key that matches the key specified using the BUFSTGKEY parameter, or, if BUFSTGKEY is omitted, the caller's PSW key.
  • If the caller is running in AR-mode and the BUFFER or BUFLIST parameter was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated appropriately.
  • If the caller is running in AR-mode, SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR must be specified before issuing this macro.
  • If BUFLIST was specified and your program is running in AR mode the BUFALET specification is correct.
8 xxxx0836 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADREALADDR

Meaning: Program error. Real storage addresses were provided in a BUFLIST list, but one of the buffers is not addressable in central storage.

  • Verify that BUFADDRTYPE was specified as you intended.
  • Ensure that the real buffer addresses specified by BUFLIST are valid.
8 xxxx0838 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADANSAREA

Meaning: Program error. The storage area specified by ANSAREA is not addressable.

  • Verify the ANSAREA address.
  • ANSAREA must be addressable in the caller's primary address space or from the caller's PASN access list.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE while disabled, ANSAREA must reside in either page-fixed or DREF storage.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE in AR-mode and you specified the ANSAREA address using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register must be updated appropriately.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE in AR-mode, SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR must be issued before the IXLCACHE macro.

Meaning: Program error. The storage area specified by REQTOKEN is not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the request token area specified by REQTOKEN is valid:
  • Verify the REQTOKEN address.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE while disabled, REQTOKEN must reside in either page-fixed or DREF storage.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE in AR-mode and you specified the REQTOKEN address using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register must be updated appropriately.
  • If you are calling IXLCACHE in AR-mode, SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR must be issued before the IXLCACHE macro.
8 xxxx083D Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADANSLEN

Meaning: Program error. The length of the answer area, as specified by ANSLEN, is not sufficient to contain answer area information. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields do not contain valid information.

Action: Increase the size of the answer area provided for the request, and rerun your program. Depending on the macro version number, specify the length of the answer area as follows:
  • When the connection specified ASYNCXI=1 on the IXLCONN invocation and AXIOVERRIDE=0 was specified or defaulted to for the IXLCACHE request, the answer area length must be a minimum value of CAALEVEL2LEN
  • When the value of the macro version number (PLISTVER) is 4 or more, the minimum answer area length is CAALEVEL1LEN.
  • Wehn the value of the macro version number (PLISTVER) is 0-3, the minimum answer area length is CAALEVEL0LEN.

Meaning: Program error. The request failed because MODE=SYNCSUSPEND was specified, but the caller is disabled and cannot be suspended.

Action: Either specify another MODE value or become enabled (release the CPU lock); then reissue the request.

8 xxxx0865 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADBUFSPEC

Meaning: Program error. There is an error in the buffer specification.

Action: Check the following:
  • If BUFLIST was specified, check the requirements for BUFLIST and BUFNUM.
  • If BUFFER was specified, check the requirements for BUFFER and BUFSIZE.
  • Buffer pointer(s) in BUFLIST.
  • Buffer boundaries.
8 xxxx0866 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADBUFKEY

Meaning: Program error. The buffer storage key specified by BUFSTGKEY is incorrect or BUFSTGKEY was not specified and the caller's PSW key does not match the key of the buffers.

The data cannot be fetched from the specified buffer area.

Action: Check the following:
  • Determine if the key of the storage being used for the buffers is different from the PSW key.
  • If BUFSTGKEY was specified, verify that the key was put in the correct bits (see the explanation of this parameter for more information).
8 xxxx0867 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODEBADBUFLIST

Meaning: Program error. The 128-byte storage area specified by BUFLIST is not addressable.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The correct BUFLIST address was used.
  • The BUFLIST area was not previously freed.
  • If the caller is running in AR-mode and the BUFLIST parameter was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated appropriately.
  • If the caller is disabled, then the BUFLIST must reside in either nonpageable or disabled reference storage.
  • If your program is running in AR mode, ensure that you specified SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR before issuing the macro.

Meaning: Program error. The request specified a high shared virtual storage area (above 2GB).

Action: None required.

C xxxx0C06 Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODENOCONN

Meaning: Environmental error. No connectivity to the cache structure exists. This may occur due to operator commands such as VARY PATH,OFFLINE or CONFIG CHP,OFFLINE or hardware errors such as facility or path failures. The CONTOKEN is invalidated. The request fails.

Action: Either disconnect from the structure (using IXLDISC) or initiate a rebuild of the structure, if allowed (using IXLREBLD).

Meaning: Environmental error. The request was purged prior to completion of the request. Possible reasons include:
  • The connector failed.
  • The connector disconnected.
  • The requestor failed.
  • The request was purged by IXLPURGE.
  • Requests were purged when the connector provided an IXLEERSP response for the Rebuild Quiesce, Rebuild Stop, or Rebuild Cleanup event.
  • The connector invoked IXLREBLD REQUEST=COMPLETE.
  • The secondary address space was no longer valid.

Action: None if this is expected. Otherwise, determine why the connector failed.


Meaning: Environmental error. The IXLCACHE request has completed, but the final disposition of the request cannot be determined. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields do not contain valid information.

Action: Verify the validity of your data by comparing the expected results with what is in the coupling facility.


Meaning: Environmental error. The cache structure failed prior to completion of the request.

Action: Attempt to rebuild the structure using IXLREBLD, or disconnect from the structure using IXLDISC.


Meaning: Environmental error. The request is failed because the structure is quiesced for a system-managed process and SUSPEND=FAIL is specified on the IXLCONN.

Action: None, if this is expected.


Meaning: Environmental error. XES functions are not available. The coupling facility hardware might not be present.

Action: XES may not be used when XCF is running local mode. XES requires that the coupling facility be installed.

10 xxxx10xx Equate Symbol: IXLRSNCODECOMPERROR

Meaning: System error. XES processing failure. The state of the structure and the disposition of the request are unpredictable. The answer area (ANSAREA) fields do not contain valid information.

Action: Save the reason code information, and contact the IBM® support center.