Initializing native authentication
To enable
native authentication, perform the following steps:
- Install and configure RACF® or another Security Server.
- Configure an LDAP server to run with an LDBM, TDBM, or CDBM backend and then start the server.
Specify the native authentication options in your LDAP server configuration file. For example:
# TDBM Section useNativeAuth SELECTED nativeAuthSubtree o=IBM,c=US nativeAuthSubtree o=Lotus,c=US nativeUpdateAllowed ON
- Be sure that the entries that are to perform native authentication contain either the ibm-nativeId attribute or a single-valued uid attribute with the appropriate Security Server ID as its value. It is important to note that a multi-valued uid without an ibm-nativeId causes the bind to fail because the LDAP server does not know which ID to use.
- The RACF user IDs must have READ access to the LDAP server profile defined in RACF. For more information, see Binding using a RACF user ID and password or password phrase.