Caution (CAUTION tag)
Caution statements indicate the greatest degree of severity. Like the WARNING
tag, the CAUTION tag has a required end tag, and must be preceded by a P (paragraph)
tag, LI (list item) tag, or LP (list part) tag. The caution statement formats
with the term
CAUTION:followed by the caution text on the next line.
<!doctype dm system>
<panel name=delfile width=50>Deleting a File
<info width=48>
<p>To delete a file, type the file name in the
"Delete this file" field and press Enter.
<p>A message appears asking for verification.
To continue the delete operation, press Enter.
<p><caution>Verifying the delete operation
permanently deletes the file from your records.
There is no chance of recovery.
Here is the formatted result: