Planning for zIIPs

The IEAOPTxx member of parmlib provides the PROJECTCPU statement. Specifying the PROJECTCPU parameter allows you to project zIIP consumption when a zIIP processor is not yet defined to the configuration. RMF and SMF will show the potential calculated zIIP time, so that an accurate zIIP projection can be made. The PROJECTCPU parameter can be used while running the target workload, once all software is installed that enables hardware sizing data to be produced.

You can use the DISPLAY M=CPU command to show if a zIIP processor is defined in the configuration. (In the D M=CPU command output, zIIPs are represented by the letter "I"). A zIIP processor is considered to be defined in the offline or reserved state, as well as in the online state.

See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for more information on the IEAOPTxx member of parmlib.

The SMF type 30 (IFASMFR3) and type 72 (ERBSMF72) records include zIIP consumption fields. See z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) for more information.

The TIMEUSED macro allows zIIP execution time to be requested in addition to the Start of changegeneral purposeEnd of change CP consumption.