Configure the z/OSMF Workflows task

To use the z/OSMF Workflows task, you must configure it as described in this topic.

Dependencies on other z/OSMF services

The z/OSMF Workflows task requires the following z/OSMF services to be configured:

Security setup

To assist you with performing the security setup, IBM provides the sample security job IZUWFSEC in SYS1.SAMPLIB. This security profile defines the required profiles for z/OSMF Workflows and the Workflow Editor, including the creation of the workflow administrator role and the refreshing of several resource classes.

Do the following:
  1. Make a copy of this job.
  2. Review and edit the job, if necessary.
  3. Submit the job as a batch job on your z/OS system.

Ensure that the IZUWFSEC job completes with return code 0000. To verify, check the results of the job execution in the job log, for example, by using SDSF.

Start of changeIf you want to use the workflow signing function, refer to the chapter Configuring the z/OSMF workflow signing certificate for additional configuration information.End of change

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Maximum number of active and archived workflows

It is recommended to use Workflow Settings to set the maximum number of active and archived workflows. In the main Workflows panel, click Settings to open Workflows Settings and input the maximum number of active or archived workflows. Click OK to save the new value. The default maximum number of active and archived workflows is 200.

For the maximum number of active workflows, if your system increased the maximum workflows previously using IZU_WORKFLOWS_MAXIMUM in local_override.cfg, and you want to remove IZU_WORKFLOWS_MAXIMUM from local_override.cfg, you need to perform the following steps:
  1. Open Workflows Settings and set your new maximum number of active workflows.
  2. Click OK to save the new maximum value.
  3. Remove the IZU_WORKFLOWS_MAXIMUM entry from local_override.cfg. If IZU_WORKFLOWS_MAXIMUM is the only parameter set in local_override.cfg, you can delete local_override.cfg directly.

  4. Recycle the z/OSMF server.
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Host system customization


Optional extensions to this service
