Configure the Workload Management service

To use the z/OSMF Workload Management task, you must configure it as described in this topic.

Dependencies on other z/OSMF services

The Workload Management task requires the following z/OS element to be configured:

Security setup

To assist you with performing the security setup, IBM provides the sample security job IZUWMSEC in SYS1.SAMPLIB.

Do the following:
  1. Make a copy of this job.
  2. Review and edit the job, if necessary.
  3. Submit the job as a batch job on your z/OS system.

Ensure that the IZUWMSEC job completes with return code 0000. To verify, check the results of the job execution in the job log, for example, by using SDSF.

Host system customization

Your z/OS system requires further customization. Follow the instructions in the following topics:

Optional extensions to this service

You can further extend the function of this service by enabling other, corequisite services in z/OSMF. Table 1 describes these dependencies.

Table 1. Optional extensions to the Resource Monitoring service
Functional extensions to this service Co-requisite z/OSMF services Reason for enabling

Interactive functions with the Resource Management task.

  • Resource Management
  • z/OSMF administrative tasks

Users of the Workload Management task can interact with the Resource Monitoring task. This function requires the Application Linking service of z/OSMF.