Abstract for IP Configuration Guide
Purpose of this information: This document contains guidance material to enable you to configure IP address spaces, servers, and applications for z/OS® Communications Server. This volume is part of a two-volume set:
- z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, which contains concepts and guidance, explaining an overall approach to IP configuration.
- z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference, which describes parameters, options, and syntax of statements.
The information in this document supports both IPv6 and IPv4. Unless explicitly noted, information describes IPv4 networking protocol. IPv6 support is qualified within the text.
For detailed information about configuration-related data sets and statements, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.
For detailed information about commands used during configuration, see z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands.
This document refers to Communications Server data sets by their default SMP/E distribution library name. Your installation might, however, have different names for these data sets where allowed by SMP/E, your installation personnel, or administration staff. For instance, this document refers to samples in SEZAINST library as simply in SEZAINST. Your installation might choose a data set name of SYS1.SEZAINST, CS390.SEZAINST, or other high level qualifiers for the data set name.
Who should read this information: This document is intended for programmers and system administrators who are familiar with TCP/IP, MVS™, z/OS UNIX, and the Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E).
Conventions and terminology that are used in this information
- When describing how to use the command in a TSO environment, the command is presented in uppercase (for example, NETSTAT).
- When describing how to use the command in a z/OS UNIX environment, the command is presented in bold lowercase (for example, netstat).
- When referring to the command in a general way in text, the command is presented with an initial capital letter (for example, Netstat).
All the exit routines described in this information are installation-wide exit routines. The installation-wide exit routines also called installation-wide exits, exit routines, and exits throughout this information.
The TPF logon manager, although included with VTAM®, is an application program; therefore, the logon manager is documented separately from VTAM.
Samples used in this information might not be updated for each release. Evaluate a sample carefully before applying it to your system.
z/OS no longer supports mounting HFS data sets (The POSIX style file system). Instead, a z/OS File System (ZFS) can be implemented. The term hierarchical file system, abbreviated as HFS, is defined as a data structure that has a hierarchical nature with directories and files. References to hierarchical file systems or HFS might still be in use in z/OS Communications Server publications.
- RoCE Express®, which is a generic term representing IBM® 10 GbE RoCE Express, IBM 10 GbE RoCE Express2, IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express2, IBM 10 GbE RoCE Express3, and IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express3 feature capabilities. When this term is used in this information, the processing being described applies to all of these features. If processing is applicable to only one feature, the full terminology, for instance, IBM 10 GbE RoCE Express will be used.
- RoCE Express2, which is a generic term representing an IBM RoCE Express2® feature that might operate in either 10 GbE or 25 GbE link speed. When this term is used in this information, the processing being described applies to either link speed. If processing is applicable to only one link speed, the full terminology, for instance, IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express2 will be used.
- RoCE Express3, which is a generic term representing an IBM RoCE Express3 feature that might operate in either 10 GbE or 25 GbE link speed. When this term is used in this information, the processing being described applies to either link speed. If processing is applicable to only one link speed, the full terminology, for instance, IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express3 will be used.
- RDMA network interface card (RNIC), which is used to refer to the IBM 10 GbE RoCE Express, IBM® 10 GbE RoCE Express2, IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express2, IBM 10 GbE RoCE Express3, or IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express3 feature.
- Shared RoCE environment, which means that the "RoCE Express" feature can be used concurrently, or shared, by multiple operating system instances. The feature is considered to operate in a shared RoCE environment even if you use it with a single operating system instance.
Clarification of notes
- Attention
- Indicate the possibility of damage
- Guideline
- Customary way to perform a procedure
- Note
- Supplemental detail
- Rule
- Something you must do; limitations on your actions
- Restriction
- Indicates certain conditions are not supported; limitations on a product or facility
- Requirement
- Dependencies, prerequisites
- Result
- Indicates the outcome
- Tip
- Offers shortcuts or alternative ways of performing an action; a hint
How to read a syntax diagram
This syntax information applies to all commands and statements that do not have their own syntax described elsewhere.
The syntax diagram shows you how to specify a command so that the operating system can correctly interpret what you type. Read the syntax diagram from left to right and from top to bottom, following the horizontal line (the main path).
Symbols and punctuation
- Symbol
- Description
- ►►
- Marks the beginning of the command syntax.
- ►
- Indicates that the command syntax is continued.
- |
- Marks the beginning and end of a fragment or part of the command syntax.
- ►◄
- Marks the end of the command syntax.
You must include all punctuation such as colons, semicolons, commas, quotation marks, and minus signs that are shown in the syntax diagram.
- When describing how to use the command in a TSO environment, the command is presented in uppercase (for example, NETSTAT).
- When describing how to use the command in a z/OS UNIX environment, the command is presented in bold lowercase (for example, netstat).
- Required
- Required parameters are displayed on the main path.
- Optional
- Optional parameters are displayed below the main path.
- Default
- Default parameters are displayed above the main path.
Parameters are classified as keywords or variables. For the TSO and MVS console commands, the keywords are not case sensitive. You can code them in uppercase or lowercase. If the keyword appears in the syntax diagram in both uppercase and lowercase, the uppercase portion is the abbreviation for the keyword (for example, OPERand).
For the z/OS UNIX commands, the keywords must be entered in the case indicated in the syntax diagram.
Variables are italicized, appear in lowercase letters, and represent names or values you supply. For example, a data set is a variable.
Syntax examples
In the following example, the PUt subcommand is a keyword. The required variable parameter is local_file, and the optional variable parameter is foreign_file. Replace the variable parameters with your own values.
Longer than one line
If a diagram is longer than one line, the first line ends with a single arrowhead and the second line begins with a single arrowhead.
Required operands
Required operands and values appear on the main path line. You must code required operands and values.
Optional values
Optional operands and values appear below the main path line. You do not have to code optional operands and values.
Selecting more than one operand
An arrow returning to the left above a group of operands or values means more than one can be selected, or a single one can be repeated.
Nonalphanumeric characters
If a diagram shows a character that is not alphanumeric (such as parentheses, periods, commas, and equal signs), you must code the character as part of the syntax. In this example, you must code OPERAND=(001,0.001).
Blank spaces in syntax diagrams
If a diagram shows a blank space, you must code the blank space as part of the syntax. In this example, you must code OPERAND=(001 FIXED).
Default operands
Default operands and values appear above the main path line. TCP/IP uses the default if you omit the operand entirely.
A word in all lowercase italics is a variable. Where you see a variable in the syntax, you must replace it with one of its allowable names or values, as defined in the text.
Syntax fragments
Some diagrams contain syntax fragments, which serve to break up diagrams that are too long, too complex, or too repetitious. Syntax fragment names are in mixed case and are shown in the diagram and in the heading of the fragment. The fragment is placed below the main diagram.