Subtype 40 — Boost information

A subtype 40 record is created when boosts start and end.

  • No SMF record is created if the IPL boost was never activated.
  • There is no SMF record produced when recovery process boosts are extended, only when they are started or ended.
  • A recovery process boosts end record can occur after multiple recovery process boosts, if there was overlap.
  • If a record spans events of multiple boost classes, the earliest boost class (IPL or recovery process) is used.

Boost information section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF90T40_ETOD 16 binary Start of changeFor "boosts start" and "boosts end" events, the time the boost will end, in STCKE format. For other events, not applicable.End of change
16 10 SMF90T40_Event 4 binary The boost event. Valid values are:
IPL boosts start
IPL boosts end
Shutdown boosts start
Shutdown boosts end
Recovery process boosts start
Recovery process boosts end
Start of change7 (SMF90T40_Event_RPB_EnabDisab)End of change
Start of changeRecovery process boosts have either been enabled or disabled. In addition to SMF90T40_Event and SMF90T40_BoostLevel, bit SMF90T40_RPB_Disabled is valid.End of change
Start of change8 (SMF90T40_Event_RPBoosts_Info)End of change
Start of changeRecovery process boosts updated usage information. In addition to SMF90T40_Event and SMF90T40_BoostLevel, the fields with names beginning SMF90T40_RPB_Duration are the valid ones. The record for this event is written approximately every 24 hours when on a machine that supports recovery process boosts, unless BOOST=NONE is in effect. It provides information about how much recovery process boost time was used since the last writing of the record, and how much could have been used if not for the duration limit per 24-hour period. When being written, the first record is written approximately at the time that the pool of boost time is replenished (if that can be determined) or 24 hours after the end of IPL boost or 24 hours after determining that there were no IPL boosts.End of change
20 14 SMF90T40_NumTransientzIIPCores Start of change2End of change binary Number of zIIP cores configured online due to zIIP boost (and configured offline upon boost end).
22 16 SMF90T40_Flags0 1 binary Flags:
Meaning when set
0 (SMF90T40_zIIPBoost_Active)
For the "boosts end" events, the zIIP boost was active. For the "boosts start" events, the zIIP boost is active.
1 (SMF90T40_SpeedBoost_Active)
For the "boosts end" events, the speed boost was active. For the "boosts start" events, the speed boost is active.
2 (SMF90T40_zIIP_Boost_EndedByError)
The system encountered an error and had to end the zIIP boost (the speed boost was not affected by the error). Applies only to the "boosts end" events.
3 (SMF90T40_SpeedBoost_EndedByError)
The system encountered an error and had to end the speed boost. Applies only to the “boosts end” events.
4 (SMF90T40_RPBoosts_Last_EndedByError)
The system encountered an error and had to end the last (most recent) recovery process boosts. Applies only to the "boosts end" events.
5 - 7 (SMF90T40_BoostClass)
Boost class:
  • 001: IPL
  • 010: Shutdown
  • 011: Recovery process
Note: The boost class value is valid only when one or more boosts is active; that is, a boost active bit is also on.
23 17 SMF90T40_Flags1 1 binary Flags:
Meaning when set
0 (SMF90T40_Boosts_EndedByTimer)
All IPL boosts were ended. The time limit was reached. Applies only to the "boosts end" events.
1 (SMF90T40_Boosts_EndedByPgm)
The customer activated a program to end the IPL boost (the normal method to activate this program is using the IEABE PROC). The system ends whichever boosts were active. Applies only to the "boosts end" events.
2 (SMF90T40_Boosts_EndedBySD)
The IPL or recovery process boosts were ended because shutdown began. Applies only to the "IPL boosts end" and "recovery process boosts end" events.
3 (SMF90T40_Boosts_EndedByError)
The system encountered an error and ended whichever boosts were active. Applies only to the "boosts end" events.
Start of change4 - 6End of change
Start of changeReserved.End of change
Start of change7 (SMF90T40_RPB_Disabled)End of change
Start of changeWhen 1, recovery process boosts are disabled. When 0, recovery process boosts are enabled. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2. Provided for all SMF90T40 events.End of change
24 18 SMF90T40_RP_Start_Requestor_ID 1 binary The ID of the requestor for which the boost was started. Applies only to "recovery process boosts start" events. Possible values are:
Not identified
Sysplex partitioning
Coupling facility structure recovery
Coupling facility datasharing member recovery
Start of change5End of change
Start of changeSVC dumpEnd of change
Start of change6End of change
Start of changeMiddleware region startupEnd of change
Start of change7End of change
Start of changeHyperswap config loadEnd of change
Start of change25End of change Start of change19End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_BoostLevelEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeValue from ECVT_BoostLevel. Valid when not 0.End of change
Start of change26End of change Start of change1AEnd of change Start of change*End of change Start of change6End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeReserved.End of change
32 1A SMF90T40_RPB_Duration 8 binary Total duration of recovery process boosts for the life of the IPL, in STCK format. Updated when a recovery process boost is extended or ends. Provided for all events when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2.
Start of change40End of change Start of change28End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_RPB_Duration_DeltaEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeDelta of RPB_Duration since the last SMF90T40 RPBoosts_Info record, in STCK format. Provided only for RPBoosts_Info event. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2. End of change
Start of change48End of change Start of change30End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_RPB_Duration_PotentialEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeThis is analogous to SMF90T40_RPB_Duration but also includes time that would have been boosted except for the duration limit having been reached, in STCK format. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2. Provided for all SMF90T40 events. Note that no SMF record is written for a boost that is not activated because the duration limit has been reached.End of change
Start of change56End of change Start of change38End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_RPB_Duration_Potential_DeltaEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeDelta of RPB_Duration_Potential since the last SMF90T40 RPBoosts_Info record, in STCK format. Provided only for RPBoosts_Info event. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2.End of change
Start of change64End of change Start of change40End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_RPB_Duration_Potential_EEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeThis is analogous to SMF90T40_RPB_Duration but also includes time that would have been boosted except for the duration limit having been reached while recovery process boosts are enabled, in STCK format. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2. Provided for all SMF90T40 events. Note that no SMF record is written for a boost that is not activated because the duration limit has been reached.End of change
Start of change72End of change Start of change48End of change Start of changeSMF90T40_RPB_Duration_Potential_E_DeltaEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeDelta of RPB_Duration_Potential_E since the last SMF90T40 RPBoosts_Info record, in STCK format. Provided only for RPBoosts_Info event. Valid when SMF90T40_BoostLevel ≥ 2.End of change