Health Check panel (CK)

The Health Checker (CK) panel allows you to display information from IBM Health Checker for z/OS. The panel shows the active checks. Checks that are currently running are highlighted.


Access the CK panel with the CK command from any SDSF panel.


The CK command without parameters displays checks that are not deleted. The parameters shown in Table 1 allow you to customize the CK display.

The parameter usage is as follows:

CK (category|E|EH|EM|EL|EN|D|ALL)

CK with no parameters displays checks that are not deleted.

Table 1. CK Parameters
Parameter Description
category Shows only checks for that category. The value can include * (any string of characters) or % (any single character).
E Displays all exception checks. You can add:
  • H - exception high
  • M - exception medium
  • L - exception low
  • N - exception none
D Displays deleted checks.
ALL Displays deleted as well as non-deleted checks.
Start of change

Panel title information

The title line contains the following information:

SDSF HEALTH CHECKS  SY1                                LINE 1-19 (207)         
                    |                                  |          |        
                    |                             Lines displayed |        
             Systems displayed                    or first line   |        
             (MVS value or                        if 100,000      |        
             SYSNAME value)                       or more         |        
                                                           Total lines     
                                                           (**** if more   
                                                           than 99,999,999)
End of change

CK command action characters

The action characters for the CK command are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. CK Command Action Characters
Action Character Description
// Block repeat; type // on the first row and another // on the last row to be processed.
= Repeat previous action character or overtype.
+(n) Expand the NP column; n is 4-20. (Use RESET to reset.)
%(exec) Run a REXX exec (ISPF only).
/ Show column values for row (ISPF only).
A Activate.
D Display information.
DD Display information, diagnostic form.
DL Display information, long form.
DP Display policies.
DPO Display policies that are outdated and not applied.
DS Display status.
E Refresh.
H Deactivate.
L List history (display the CKH panel). The check must have a history (see the Log-Date-Time column).
P Delete.
PF Delete force: delete even if it is running.
R Run.
S Browse (access SDSF's Output Dataset Panel.)
SB Browse using ISPF Browse.
SBI Browse REXX input data set using ISPF browse.
SBO Browse REXX output data set using ISPF browse.
SE Browse using ISPF Edit.
SEI Browse REXX input data set using ISPF edit.
SEO Browse REXX output data set using ISPF edit.
SV ISPF view.
U Remove all categories for the check.
X Print the check output. You can add:
  • C - Close the print file after printing (XC)
  • D - Display the Open Print Data Set panel (XD or XDC)
  • F - Display the Open Print File panel (XF or XFC)
  • S - Display the Open Print panel (XS or XSC)

Columns on the CK panel

The columns on the CK panel are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Columns on the CK Panel
Column name Title (Displayed) Width Description
NAME NAME 32 Check name. This is the fixed field. It is ignored if coded on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro.
OWNER CheckOwner 16 Check owner
STATE State 18 Check state
STATUS Status 18 Check status
RESULT Result 6 Result code from the last invocation of the check
DIAG1 Diag1 8 Diagnostic data from check, word 1
DIAG2 Diag2 8 Diagnostic data from check, word 2
DIAGFROM DiagFrom 8 Source of the diagnostic data, words 1 and 2: ABEND, HCHECKER or CHECKRTN
GLOBAL Global 6 Indicator of whether the check is global
GLOBALSYS GlobalSys 9 Name of the system on which the global check is running
EXCOUNT ExcCount 8 Number of exceptions detected by this check on the last iteration
COUNT RunCount 8 Number of times the check has been invoked
FAIL Fail 4 Number of times the check failed
SEVERITY Severity 8 Severity level of the check (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, NONE)
SEVCODE SevCode 7 Numeric severity level of the check
WTOTYPE WTOType 9 WTO type issued when an exception is found (EVENTUAL, CRITICAL, INFO, HC, NONE or a descriptor code)
MODIFIED ModifiedBy 26 How the check was modified
POLSTAT PolicyStatus 18 Policy error status
WTONUM WTONum 6 Number of WTOs issued by the check
NUMCAT NumCat 6 Number of categories in which the check is defined
CATEGORY Category 16 Category name. Users can view the complete set of categories by typing + alone in this column.
CATEGORY2 -CATEGORY4 Category2 – Category4 16 Category names 2 to 4.
CATEGORY5 -CATEGORY16 Category5 – Category16 16 Category names 5 to 16. By default, these appear only in the alternate field list.
EXITNAME ExitName 8 Exit modname that added the check
MODNAME ModName 8 Check module name
MSGNAME MsgName 8 Message load module name
USERDATE UserDate 8 Current date of the check
DEFDATE DefDate 8 Default date of the check
DEBUG Debug 5 Debug mode indicator
DATEE Start-Date-Time 19 Date and time the check last started (YYYY.DDD HH:MM:SS)
INTERVAL Interval 8 Time interval at which the check runs (HHH:MM)
SCHDATE NextSch-Date-Time 19 Date and time the check is next scheduled to run (YYYY.DDD HH:MM:SS)
SCHINT NextSch-Int 11 Time remaining to the date and time the check is next scheduled to run, in HHHHH:MM:SS
LOGDATE Log-Date-Time 19 Date and time of the last successful write to System Logger
DELDATE Deleted-Date-Time 19 Date and time the check was deleted
PROCNAME ProcName 8 Health Checker procedure name
STCID TaskID 8 Health Checker started task ID
REASON Reason 126 Description of the reason for check
UPDREAS UpdateReason 48 Description of updates to the check. The width can be increased to 126.
PARMLEN ParmLen 7 Length of the check parameters
PARM Parameters 32 Start of changeCheck parametersEnd of change
SYSLEVEL SysLevel 25 Level of the operating system
SYSNAME SysName 8 System name
EINTERVAL EInterval 9 Interval at which the check will run when it has raised an exception
EXECNAME ExecName 8 Name of the exec to run
LOCALE Locale 8 Where the check is running
ORIGIN Origin 8 Origin of the check
VERBOSE Verbose 7 Verbose mode for the check
REXXIN RexxIn 44 REXX input data set name
REXXOUT RexxOut 44 REXX output data set name
LOGSTREAM LogStream 26 Name of the logstream used to record this check
Start of changeREXXHLQEnd of change Start of changeRexxHLQEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changeHigh level qualifier for REXX data setsEnd of change
Start of change

Health check status

The status of a specific check can be determined by entering the DL action against the row on the CK panel to issue the associated z/OS operator command, or by reviewing the Status column on the SDSF CK or CKH panel for one of the following values:
The check is not active.
A user-specified value for this check is in error.
This check does not apply in the current system configuration.
Some messages issued for this check have been lost due to a shortage of buffer storage.
The result of the check either produced no exceptions or an exception with a severity level of NONE. Note that for historical checks (shown using the SDSF L action on the CK display), a status of SUCCESSFUL can include checks that produced a result of ENV N/A.
The result of the check produced an exception with a low severity level.
The result of the check produced an exception with a medium severity level.
The result of the check produced an exception with a high severity level.
End of change