Using the LNKLST statement

A LNKLST set consists of an ordered list of data sets for processing as the LNKLST concatenation. Every LNKLST set contains the LINKLIB, MIGLIB, CSSLIB, LINKLIBE, and MIGLIBE data sets as the first data sets in the LNKLST concatenation. Unless overridden by SYSLIB statements, every LNKLST set begins with one of the following datasets:

The system automatically adds these data sets to the beginning of the LNKLST set that you define. If these data sets are not available to the system at IPL, a wait state occurs.

Use the LNKLST statement:
  • To define the LNKLST set.
  • To add a data set to the LNKLST set.
  • To delete a data set from the LNKLST set.
  • To remove the definition of a LNKLST set from PROGxx (valid only after IPL).
  • To test for the location of a routine associated with one of the data sets in the LNKLST set (valid only after IPL).
  • To associate a job or address space with the current LNKLST set (valid only after IPL).
  • To indicate that a LNKLST set is to be activated.
Note: You must enter parameters on the LNKLST statement in the order that is shown in the syntax diagrams. See Syntax format of the LNKLST statements

You can add a data set to any LNKLST set that you define and specify the position of the data set in the list, however an alias cannot be added for the LNKLST created at IPL. You cannot add the data set before any of the system default data sets in the concatenation. That is, you can only concatenate the data set after the CSSLIB data set in the LNKLST set. To change the system default data sets placed at the beginning of the LNKLST concatenation, see Using the SYSLIB statement.

When using the SETPROG LNKLST command, be aware that some actions, such as ADD and ACTIVATE, might temporarily allocate all of the data sets in the LNKLST concatenation to the master scheduler address space. The master scheduler address space has a TIOT size of 12 K, which allows for approximately 600 unit allocations. For data sets in the LNKLST concatenation that have an SMS data class that is assigned with a Dynamic Volume Count greater than 1 specified, additional TIOT space might be required, reducing the number of data sets that might be allocated within the master scheduler address space. Multi-volume data sets are not supported in the LNKLST concatenation. For this reason, IBM recommends that you not assign a data class that specifies a Dynamic Volume Count greater than 1 to a data set in the LNKLST concatenation.