Infoprint Server and Transforms, PSF for z/OS - APS

z/OS Print - Infoprint Server for z/OS

Infoprint Server for z/OS and IBM transform products can provide an end-to-end print solution designed for e-business and enterprise-wide information delivery. Infoprint Server for z/OS is an optional, separately priced feature of z/OS. Infoprint Server for z/OS manages your distributed print environment on System z. Infoprint Server for z/OS can manage your z/OS and consolidate network and production printing. With PSF, consolidation can be achieved on a single, scalable, reliable, fully integrated System z server, helping to reduce costs. Management is made possible through a web-based Infoprint Central Graphical User Interface.

Order Number Title Abstract Link PDF Link Last Updated
SA38-0691-50 z/OS Infoprint Server Customization Abstract PDF August 2023
SA38-0692-50 z/OS Infoprint Server Introduction Abstract PDF September 2021
GA32-0927-50 z/OS Infoprint Server Messages and Diagnosis Abstract PDF August 2023
SA38-0693-50 z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration Abstract PDF September 2022
SA38-0694-50 z/OS Infoprint Server Printer Inventory for PSF Abstract PDF September 2021
SA38-0695-50 z/OS Infoprint Server User's Guide Abstract PDF February 2022

z/OS Print - Transforms for z/OS

IBM transform products can convert data streams from AFP to PCL, PDF and PostScript, and from PCL, PDF, PostScript, SAP R/3, and Xerox format to AFP. These separately priced Transforms can:

  • Leverage AFP production applications by printing them on PCL or PostScript printers on enterprise networks.
  • Leverage reliable, high-speed AFP printers to consolidate PCL, PostScript, PDF and SAP R/3 application output on z/OS and deliver output at a lower cost per page.
  • Convert AFP applications to PDF for delivery as e-mail, or on a Web site or portal, thus reducing print output costs.
  • Accessible PDF feature can produce accessible PDF documents.
  • Signed Secure PDF feature can produce digitally signed PDF documents.
  • Boost productivity by migrating legacy applications that contain Xerox LCDS and metacode data to IBM AFP printers using Infoprint XT for z/OS.
Order Number Title Abstract Link PDF Link Last Updated
G550-0443-06 IBM Infoprint Transforms to AFP for z/OS Abstract PDF May 2023
G550-0445-04 IBM Infoprint Transforms to AFP for z/OS LPS N/A PDF July 2019
GI11-9492-02 IBM Infoprint XT for z/OS Abstract PDF April 2019
GI11-9493-01 IBM Infoprint XT for z/OS: Licensed Program Specifications N/A PDF April 2019
G325-2634-40 IBM Print Transforms from AFP for Infoprint Server for z/OS Abstract PDF August 2023
G325-2635-30 IBM Print Transforms from AFP to PCL for Infoprint Server for z/OS LPS N/A PDF January 2022
G325-2636-30 IBM Print Transforms from AFP to PDF for Infoprint Server for z/OS LPS N/A PDF January 2022
G325-2637-30 IBM Print Transforms from AFP to PostScript for Infoprint Server for z/OS LPS N/A PDF January 2022

z/OS Print - Print Services Facility for z/OS (PSF for z/OS)

PSF is an IBM licensed printer-driver subsystem that manages, and controls, data transmitted to Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) printers. PSF enables automated print processes, system management of print files, attributes, and resources, as well as page-level error recovery, accounting, extensive diagnostics, and print process statistics. PSF sophistication, resilience, and diagnostics are unmatched by other print management systems. AFP is an industry standard architecture as defined the multi-vendor AFP Consortium. PSF can manage printers that are TCP/IP-attached.

AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility (ACIF)

Converts line data into the AFP data stream using formatting instructions in a page definition. Optionally, print files can be indexed for searching with an AFP browser plug-in, tagged into groups, and bundled with the print jobs resources for archival and retrieval (optional, priced feature of PSF).

AFP Download Plus

Automatically packages print jobs with their attributes and resources, converts line data, XML data, or mixed data to MO:DCA, and secures the file before sending it to a remote system or print server (optional feature of PSF).

AFP Upload

Automatically sends print jobs from AIX over TCP/IP or SNA to the JES spool for printing by PSF (optional, priced feature of PSF).

Download for z/OS

Automatically sends print jobs from the JES spool to an IBM Power Systems server over TCP/IP. A print or archive server such as Infoprint Manager or Content Manager OnDemand receives the jobs for printing or archiving (optional, priced feature of PSF).

Order Number Title Abstract Link PDF Link Last Updated
S550-0436-06 AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility User's Guide Abstract PDF August 2023
S550-0433-07 PSF for z/OS: AFP Download Plus Abstract PDF August 2023
S550-0427-06 PSF for z/OS: Customization Abstract PDF August 2023
G550-0428-06 PSF for z/OS: Diagnosis Abstract PDF September 2021
S550-0429-06 PSF for z/OS: Download for z/OS Abstract PDF September 2022
G550-0430-06 PSF for z/OS: Introduction Abstract PDF December 2019
G550-0431-05 PSF for z/OS: Licensed Program Specifications N/A PDF December 2019
G550-0432-06 PSF for z/OS: Messages and Codes Abstract PDF September 2022
S550-0434-05 PSF for z/OS: Security Guide Abstract PDF December 2019
S550-0435-06 PSF for z/OS: User's Guide Abstract PDF January 2022

z/OS Print - Related Product List

AFP Toolbox

This tool helps application programmers produce complex, high-value-documents using the MO:DCA data stream.

Document Composition Facility (DCF)

Create large, complex, printed mission-critical documents using a powerful markup language with a comprehensive range of formatting capabilities.

Document Library Facility (DLF)

A storage facility that stores, archives (stores on a separate, sequential data set), and retrieves data in a protected environment. If DCF is installed, you can use DLF For MVS to run the SCRIPT/VS formatter in the batch environments of MVS.

Overlay Generation Language (OGL)

Create electronic forms to replace pre-printed forms and enhance information layout and readability using a simple command language designed for use by non-programmers.

Print Management Facility (PMF)

This product provides several interactive utility programs for the generation of Page Definitions, Form Definitions and Fonts.

Page Printer Formatting Aid (PPFA)

Save the time and expense of changing application programs, use PPFA to turn unformatted or simply formatted EBCDIC or ASCII line data into versatile, AFP electronic documents. Where more flexible, dynamic documents are required, advanced PPFA formatting capabilities and special page layout functions for XML data can be used.

Order Number Title Abstract Link PDF Link Last Updated
S544-5284-13 Page Printer Formatting Aid: User's Guide Abstract PDF December 2016

z/OS Print - z/OS Font Collection

A base element of z/OS, which contains a comprehensive set of fonts: AFP outline and raster fonts, Worldtype fonts, compatibility fonts and legacy raster fonts.

Order Number Title Abstract Link PDF Link Last Updated
GA32-1048-50 z/OS Font Collection Abstract PDF September 2021

NOTE: To find older Print product manuals not updated in IBM Documentation, use this link and search for the product name.

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