
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramfstatfdstem


fstat invokes the fstat callable service to get status information about a file that is identified by its file descriptor.


The file descriptor (a number) for the file.
The name of a stem variable used to return the status information. Upon return, stem.0 contains the number of variables that are returned. To access the status values, you can use a numeric value (see REXX predefined variables) or any of the predefined variables that begin with ST_. For example, stem.9 and stem.st_atime are both the request for the time of last access.
Variable Description
ST_AAUDIT Auditor audit information
ST_ACCESSACL 1 if there is an access ACL (access control list)
ST_ATIME Time of last access
ST_AUDITID RACF® File ID for auditing
ST_BLKSIZE File block size
ST_BLOCKS Blocks allocated
ST_CCSID Coded character set ID; first 4 characters are the file tag
ST_CRTIME File creation time
ST_CTIME Time of last file status change
ST_DEV Device ID of the file
ST_DMODELACL 1 if there is a directory model access control list (ACL)
ST_EXTLINK External symbolic link flag, set to 0 or 1
ST_FID File identifier
ST_FILEFMT Format of the file. To specify the format, you can specify a numeric value (see REXX predefined variables) or one of the following predefined variables used to derive the appropriate numeric value:
Binary data
Text data delimited by a carriage return character
Text data delimited by carriage return and line feed characters
A text file with lines delimited by carriage-return and newline characters.
Text data delimited by a line feed character
Text data delimited by a line feed and carriage return characters
Text data with the file format not specified
Text data delimited by a newline character
File data consisting of records with prefixes. The record prefix contains the length of the record that follows.
ST_FMODELACL 1 if there is a file model ACL
ST_GENVALUE General attribute values
ST_GID Group ID of the group of the file
ST_INO File serial number
ST_MAJOR Major number for a character special file
ST_MINOR Minor number for a character special file
ST_MODE File mode, permission bits only
ST_MTIME Time of last data modification
ST_NLINK Number of links
ST_RTIME File backup time stamp (reference time)
ST_SETGID Set Group ID on execution flag, set to 0 or 1
ST_SETUID Set User ID on execution flag, set to 0 or 1
ST_SIZE File size for a regular file, in bytes. If file size exceeds 231-1 bytes, size is expressed in megabytes, using an M (for example, 3123M).
ST_SECLABEL Security Label
ST_STICKY Sticky bit flag (keep loaded executable in storage), set to 0 or 1
ST_TYPE Numeric value that represents the file type for this file. You can use a numeric value (see REXX predefined variables) or any of the predefined variables that begin with S_ to determine the file type:
Character special file
FIFO special file
Regular file
Symbolic link
ST_UAUDIT Area for user audit information
ST_UID User ID of the owner of the file

Usage notes

All time values returned in stem are in POSIX format. Time is in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. You can use gmtime to convert it to other forms.


In the following example, assume that fd was assigned a value earlier in the exec:
"fstat (fd) st."