Automatic restart manager

Automatic restart manager (ARM) is an MVS™ component that can automatically restart the TCP/IP stack after an abnormal end (ABEND).

During initialization, TCP/IP automatically registers with the automatic restart manager using the following options:



  • sysclone is a 1– or 2–character shorthand notation for the name of the MVS system. For a complete description of the SYSCLONE static system symbol, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
  • tcpname is a 1– to 8–character name of the TCP/IP stack which registers with the automatic restart manager. For example, if the SYSCLONE value is 02 and the TCP/IP stack name is TCPCS, the resulting ELEMENT value is EZA02TCPCS.
  • The TCP/IP stack supports automatic restart only on the same system. Do not explicitly specify TERMTYPE(ALLTERM) in the automatic restart management policy for TCP/IP. A policy that uses the default value ALLTERM is overridden by the TCP/IP stack registration value ELEMTERM.
  • To prevent dynamic configuration changes made using the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command from being lost after restarting TCP/IP, ensure that these configuration changes are part of the normal TCP/IP startup procedure.

For more information about automatic restart manager, see z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.