Shutdown boost

Shutdown boost is controlled by BOOST= in the IEASYSxx member of parmlib, just as IPL boost is. System automation starts IEASDBS when it takes a system down. You might need to update your automation, or invoke IEADSBS manually, if you do not use System automation to shut down the system. So if you have disabled one or more varieties of System Recovery Boost in IEASYSxx, you won’t be able to use it for shutdown boost, either.

Shutdown boost lasts for 30 minutes, or until the system stops. So if the system stops 15 minutes after you start shutdown boost, the remaining 15 minutes doesn’t carry over to the following IPL.

To use System Recovery Boost to speed up shutdown, you start the proc IEASDBS (IEA Shut Down Boost Start) to tell z/OS that a shutdown is in progress and to begin the shutdown boost; note that once you have indicated that a shutdown is starting, WLM will essentially stop directing new work to that image, and will stop performing weight balancing activity for the image. If for some reason you want to stop a shutdown boost prior to the 30-minute time limit, you can run proc IEABE to do so. However, stopping shutdown boost using the IEABE proc does not cause WLM to resume normal behavior, nor does it allow you to use any remaining boost time in the future. IEASDBS and IEABE run very quickly and stop as soon as they are finished. Start of changeFor more information, see Procs.End of change