Specifying the JCL statements for AMATERSE

If you have previously used the TRSMAIN program to invoke AMATERSE, you can continue using it along with the old DDNAMES. However, if you choose to use AMATERSE instead of TRSMAIN, realize that the DDNAMES are changed: SYSUT1 replaces INFILE and SYSUT2 replaces OUTFILE.

A missing SYSUT1 DD statement results in an RC X'10' error message:
A missing SYSUT2 DD statement will result in an RC X'28' error message:
AMATERSE requires the following JCL statements. The required DD statements are SYSPRINT, SYSUT1 and SYSUT2. SYSUT3 is optional. Replace aaaaa in the example with one of the following values:
Marks the beginning of the job.
Compresses records in a data set so that the output is known as the simple format. .
Compresses records in a data set so that the output is known as the complex format. The SPACK option is more time-consuming than the PACK option by a factor of about three, but in many cases produces much smaller output.
Note: A data set compressed by either PACK or SPACK should not be modified in any way. If such a data set is modified, the UNPACK routines are unable to reconstruct the original data set.
Reverses the PACK or SPACK operation. If you inadvertently packed a data set multiple times, restore it using the UNPACK function the same multiple number of times.
SYSPRINT statement
This DD defines where all messages from the program are sent. It must be RECFM=FBA and an LRECL between 121 and 133. Any block size that is a legal multiple of the LRECL is supported.
Note: The DCB information does not have to be specified on the DD statement and will default to the correct values.
SYSUT1 statement
This DD defines the data set to be compressed if PACK or SPACK parameter is specified on the EXEC statement. If UNPACK is specified, then it defines the compressed data set to be restored. See Restrictions for AMATERSE for special considerations.
Note: If TRSMAIN entry point is used, INFILE statement is used instead of SYSUT1.
SYSUT2 statement
This DD defines the data set to receive the compressed output. If you specify PACK or SPACK on the EXEC statement, this is the data set that receives the compressed output. If you specify UNPACK, this is the data set that receives the restored output. See Allocation considerations and Space considerations.
SYSUT3 statement
This optional DD defines the temporary data set to use when the PACK or UNPACK operation is performed against large PDS data sets. This data set acts as an intermediate form between PDS and PACKED data set. Only the DISP and SPACE parameters are necessary to be supplied by JCL. If the SYSUT3 DD statement is missing, AMATERSE allocates this data set by itself and deletes it automatically after AMATERSE ends.