What setup is needed for z/OSMF?

As a base element of the operating system, z/OSMF is installed when you install z/OS. By default, z/OSMF is installed into the z/OS root file system, in the directory /usr/lpp/zosmf.

Enabling z/OSMF on your system involves the following phases:
  • Planning for z/OSMF. The z/OSMF server requires a minimum of 4 GB of system memory to be configured.
  • Configuring the z/OSMF nucleus on your system and then adding core services and optional services. This phase requires certain z/OS resources to be set up, commands to be run, and security setup to be performed for RACF (or the equivalent). Information for these activities is provided in this document. A suggested approach for getting started is described in Faster set-up with a z/OSMF Lite configuration.

Using z/OSMF requires sufficient authority in z/OS®. Specifically, on the z/OS system to be managed, the resources to be accessed on behalf of users (data sets, operator commands, and so on) are secured through the external security manager at your installation, such as RACF®. Your installation's security administrator must create the authorizations in your external security manager. To assist your security administrator, IBM provides sample jobs for z/OSMF in SYS1.SAMPLIB. More information about security setup is provided in Security concepts in z/OSMF.

Unless you choose to manage the start-up and shutdown of the z/OSMF server through an automation product, z/OSMF is started automatically when you IPL your z/OS system. This behavior, which is referred to as z/OSMF autostart, means that z/OSMF is available for use as soon as the system is up. To make the best use of the z/OSMF autostart capability, you must plan how to deploy one or more z/OSMF servers in your environment. Generally, having one z/OSMF server active in a sysplex or monoplex is sufficient, but you might choose to have more, based on your workload requirements. The goal is to ensure that at least one z/OSMF server is always active in your environment.

For more information, see Autostart concepts in z/OSMF.