Derivation: RePorT OPTionS

RPTOPTS generates, after an application has run, a report of the runtime options in effect while the application was running. RPTOPTS(ON) lists the declared runtime options s in alphabetical order. The report lists the option names and shows where each option obtained its current setting. Language Environment® writes options reports only in mixed-case U.S. English.

For an example and complete description of the options report, see Controlling storage allocation in z/OS Language Environment Debugging Guide.

The default value for non-CICS® applications is RPTOPTS(OFF).

The default value for CICS applications is RPTOPTS(OFF).

The default value for AMODE 64 applications is RPTOPTS(OFF).

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram RPTOpts ( OFFON )
Does not generate a report of the runtime options in effect while the application was running.

OFF is the default.

Generates a report of the runtime options in effect while the application was running.

Usage notes

  • For AMODE 64 applications, Language Environment writes the options report to stderr.
  • In some cases, RPTOPTS will not generate the options report if your application ends abnormally.
  • In a non-CICS environment, Language Environment directs the report to the ddname specified in the MSGFILE runtime option. Under CICS, with RPTOPTS(ON), Language Environment writes the options report to the CESE queue when the transaction ends successfully.
  • If the RPTSTG runtime option is specified while using HEAPPOOLS, extra storage is obtained from the ANYHEAP and is used to complete the storage report on heap pools. This extra storage is only allocated when both HEAPPOOLS and RPTSTG are used.

Performance consideration

This option increases the time it takes for the application to run. Therefore, use it only as an aid to application development.

For more information

  • See MSGFILE for more information about the MSGFILE runtime option.
  • For an example and complete description of the options report, see Controlling storage allocation in z/OS Language Environment Debugging Guide.