The ISPF Configuration utility

The ISPF Configuration utility enables you to:

  • modify the configuration settings saved in the keyword files
  • generate a configuration table load module or SMP/E USERMOD for use on your ISPF system
  • convert existing ISPF configuration table assembler files from earlier releases of ISPF (SAMPLIB member ISRCNFIG) into the keyword file format
  • convert an existing ISPF configuration table load module into the keyword file format

The ISPF Configuration utility sets two types of values: system-wide values and user-specific values. System-wide values are values that are used for all users and are re-read from the Configuration Table at the beginning of each ISPF session. For example, the PDF Exits and PDF Default Unit are system-wide values.

User-specific values are used as initial values when a new profile is created. For example, if a user has an ISPSPROF or Edit Profile, it is used instead of the Configuration Table values. These profiles hold user-specific values.

As system administrator you can, if you choose, ensure that even user-specific values are set according to your specifications. Some of the user-specific Edit Profile fields have corresponding FORCE fields. The FORCE fields enable you to require the user to use the specified configuration values even if the user already has an edit profile. If the user attempts to modify one of the "forced" values, an error message is displayed. Some of the user-specific ISPSPROF fields have corresponding RESET fields. The RESET fields enable you to reset these values once for each user. The reset is done when the Sitewide Defaults Version Level is incremented. Any ISPSPROF fields that do not have RESET fields are not used by a user unless they are creating a new ISPSPROF table.

You can generate the keyword file in one of three ways:
  • Use the Convert Assembler Configuration Table to Keyword File option on the ISPF Configuration utility main menu.
  • Use the Create/Modify Settings and Regenerate Keyword File option on the ISPF Configuration utility main menu.
  • Use the Convert Configuration Table Loadmod to Keyword File option on the ISPF Configuration utility main menu.

To start the ISPF Configuration utility run the command TSO ISPCCONF while in ISPF. This displays the ISPF Configuration utility main menu panel, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. ISPF configuration utility main menu panel (ISPPCONF)
                          ISPF Configuration Utility

 1  Create/Modify Settings and Regenerate Keyword File
 2  Edit Keyword File Configuration Table
 3  Verify Keyword Table Contents
 4  Build Configuration Table Load Module
 5  Convert Assembler Configuration Table to Keyword File
 7  Convert Configuration Table Loadmod to Keyword File

 Keyword File Data Set
   Data Set . . . ______________________________________________
   Member . . . . ________

 Configuration Table Assembler Source Data Set
   Data Set . . . ______________________________________________
   Member . . . . ________

   Output File Content for Keyword File
   2  1. Include only non-default values
      2. Include defaults as comments
      3. Include all values

 Current Configuration Table
   Keyword File : not available
   Identifier . : ISPCFIGU              Level  . . . : 480R8001
   Compile Date : 2001/11/22            Compile Time :
 Option ===> _____________________________________________________________
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap

These options are available on the ISPF Configuration utility main menu:

  1. Create/Modify Settings and Regenerate Keyword File (see Create/Modify Settings and Regenerate Keyword File).
  2. Edit Keyword File Configuration Table (see Edit Keyword File Configuration Table).
  3. Verify Keyword Table Contents (see Verify Keyword Table Contents).
  4. Build Configuration Table Load Module (see Build Configuration Table Load Module).
  5. Convert Assembler Configuration Table to Keyword File (see Convert Assembler Configuration Table to Keyword File).
  6. Build SMP/E USERMOD (see Build SMP/E USERMOD).
  7. Convert Configuration Table LoadMod to Keyword File (see Convert Configuration Table LoadMod to Keyword File).
These input fields are available on the ISPF Configuration utility main menu panel:
Keyword File Data Set
The name of the data set and member containing the keyword file you want to use. The data set must exist and have a record length of at least 255 bytes for variable-length files, and 251 bytes for fixed-length files. This must be a Partitioned Data Set (PDS).
Configuration Table Assembler Source Data Set
The name of the sequential data set or partitioned data set and member containing the Configuration Table assembler source code to be converted into a keyword file.
Output File Content for Keyword File
The entry in this field determines the type of data written to the keyword file when the Convert Assembler Configuration Table to Keyword file option, or the Create/Modify Settings and Regenerate Keyword File option is used. Valid values are:
Only those values that are different than the default values are included in the keyword file.
Those values different than the default values are included in the keyword file, and all default values are included as comment lines.
All values are included in the keyword file.