IECIOSxx (I/O related parameters)

IECIOSxx contains records that the installation creates to accomplish the following tasks:
  • Modify the time intervals which, when exceeded, result in the missing interrupt handler (MIH) detecting a missing interrupt. (MIH parameter).
  • Modify the I/O timing limits. The system uses the I/O timing limits to monitor queued and active I/O requests. If an I/O request exceeds the time limit that you specify, the system abnormally ends the request. (MIH IOTIMING parameter).
  • Specify whether an I/O Timing condition is allowed to trigger a HyperSwap®, and if so, whether the timed-out I/O operation is posted back with permanent error. (MIH IOTHSWAP and IOTTERM parameters).
  • Specify I/O timing HyperSwap options.
  • Modify the device threshold values and recovery actions in the hot I/O detection table (HIDT). The system uses the HIDT information to detect, and recover from, hot I/O conditions. (HOTIO parameter)
  • Specify recovery actions to recover from a hung interface (that is, a terminal condition). (TERMINAL parameter).
  • Specify trace options other than the default for IOS component trace. (CTRACE parameter).
  • Specify whether FICON® switch statistics gathering is to be enabled or disabled and whether FICON fabric I/O priority is to be enabled or disabled on a system. (FICON parameter).
  • Specify whether IOS storage blocks are to be obtained in 24 or 31-bit storage. (STORAGE parameter).
  • Specify whether to enable write protection on captured UCBs or as a result of a SETIOS=xx command. (CAPTUCB parameter).
  • Specify whether the MIDAW facility is to be enabled or disabled on a system. (MIDAW parameter).
  • Specify whether the HyperPAV facility is to be used. (HYPERPAV parameter).
  • Specify whether IBM® zHyperWrite data replication is enabled or disabled. (HYPERWRITE parameter).
  • Specify the Encryption Key Management primary and secondary host names and the maximum number of concurrent socket connections that are allowed for the communication with the encryption key manager. (EKM parameter).
  • Specify IOS recovery options. (RECOVERY parameter).
  • Specify whether the High Performance FICON for IBM z Systems® (zHPF) facility is to be enabled or disabled on a system Start of change(ZHPF parameter) and what zHPF options are to be used (ZHPFOPTS parameter)End of change.
  • Specify the IOSSPOF System Service options. (SPOF parameter) .
  • Specify the zHyperLink system options (ZHYPERLINK parameter).