Print configuration reports

This HCD batch utility function allows you to print reports about:
  • The hardware definitions stored in the specified IODF.
  • The I/O paths of an actual system compared to the definitions in the IODF.
  • The processors, control units, and devices supported in your installation.

This function is invoked by passing the following parameter string.

Print a configuration report

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREPORT,CPUDSMENTIXY,,,procid,partnm,osid,swid,system,sysplex,XML
C | P | U | D | S | M | E | N | T | I | X | Y
Type of the report. Specify one or more of the following codes in any order, with no separating characters:
CSS report - CSS summary report
CSS report - channel path detail report
CSS report - control unit detail report
CSS report - device detail report
Switch report
OS report - OS devices
OS report - EDTs
OS report - NIP/VM consoles
CTC report
I/O Path report
Supported hardware report
I/O definition reference
Processor ID to limit a CSS, CTC connection or I/O Path report to a specific processor. If not specified for an I/O Path report, the ID of the active processor configuration is taken (=default).
Partition name to limit a CSS, CTC connection or I/O Path report to a specific logical partition. The processor ID must also be specified; otherwise, the partition name is ignored for the CSS and CTC connection report. For the I/O Path report, the partition name is defaulted to a partition that contains a device common to the specified or defaulted OS configuration.
Operating system configuration ID to limit an OS report or an I/O Path report to a specific operating system configuration. If not specified for an I/O Path report, the ID of the active operating system configuration is taken (=default).
Switch identifier to limit a Switch report to a specific switch
If the sysplex name is also specified, the system name (1 - 8 alphanumeric characters) identifies the system of a sysplex for that the I/O Path report is to be generated. If the sysplex is not specified, the system name is the VTAM application name of the host for that the I/O Path report is to be generated. The default is the local system.
Sysplex name (1 - 8 alphanumeric characters) to specify the sysplex of the system for which the I/O Path report is to be generated. If the I/O path uses zDAC, the sysplex must be the local syplex or left blank.
Specify the XML keyword if you want to print your report in XML output format.
Note: It is recommended to print the I/O Path report separately from the other reports. However, if you want to print an I/O Path report together with any other reports, your limitations for the I/O Path report are propagated to all other specified reports. These limitations to a certain processor, partition or operating system can be either user-specified or HCD takes the active processor, partition or operating system as the default.