Options statement

Use the Options statement to change the processing behavior of CSSMTP.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramOptionsPut Braces and Parameters on Separate Lines
Put Braces and Parameters on Separate Lines
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram{Options Parameters}
Options Parameters
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNullTrnc NONullTrnc YESNOTestMode NOTestMode YESNODataLineTrunc NODataLineTrunc YESNOAtSign @AtSign symbolTLSEhlo NOTLSEhloYESNO


Specifies whether the trailing null characters are stripped from mail command records. The mail command records include EHLO, HELO, MAIL, RCPT, DATA, and STARTTLS.
The trailing null characters are not stripped from the mail command records by CSSMTP. This is the default value.
The trailing null characters are stripped from the mail command records by CSSMTP.
Indicates whether CSSMTP runs in test mode and does not deliver mail messages.
Indicates that CSSMTP runs as a normal mail server and processes and delivers mail messages. This is the default value.
Indicates that CSSMTP runs in compatibility test mode. CSSMTP processes mail messages from the spool file but does not deliver them. After the processing completes, mail messages are discarded instead of delivered or put into retry modes. In this mode, the only output that mail messages produce is error messages in the error report if any errors are encountered.
Result: If TestMode is set to Yes and no errors are found in a spool file, CSSMTP deletes the file when it completes processing. If errors are found, CSSMTP handles the spool files according to the setting of the BADSPOOLDISP configuration statement.
Guideline: When TestMode is set to Yes, ensure that the REPORT statement is coded with a valid destination for the error report; otherwise, warning message EZD1841I is issued.
Restriction: TestMode cannot be dynamically changed. You must stop and restart CSSMTP to change its value.
Indicates what CSSMTP does when a message data line is too long. RFC 2821 specifies a maximum message data line length of 1000 bytes, including the CR/LF characters.
Guideline: This parameter is provided for compatibility with the SMTPD daemon. Use this parameter only when you migrate SMTPD to CSSMTP. In all other cases, use the default value.
CSSMTP rejects a mail message as an error if the data length of message lines, including the CR/LF characters exceeds 1000 bytes. This is the default behavior and is compatible with RFC 2821. It is suggested to use this value.
If lines within a mail message exceed 1024 bytes, CSSMTP truncates message lines at 1024 bytes and continues processing the mail message. This value mimics the behavior of the SMTPD daemon.
Guideline: When DataLineTrunc is set to Yes, repair the line lengths of mail messages that are generated in JES spool. This function is not compatible with RFC 2821. Mail messages that are sent with line lengths longer than 1000 bytes can be rejected or truncated by successive SMTP gateways.
Specifies the at sign symbol that is used in SMTP mail message commands and headers. CSSMTP updates mail message commands and headers by replacing the specified AtSign symbol with the industry standard at sign symbol @. Note that mail messages that are using the industry standard at sign symbol are not changed.
This is the default value.
symbol is the at sign character that is used in mail message commands and headers. It can be any character except the following: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+*/,.&()'-=:"%<>?;\
Tip: This parameter simplifies migration from SMTPD to CSSMTP for customers that use a code page other than the default IBM®-1047 and that have modified mail generation programs to generate mail addresses with an at sign character other than the industry standard @. To avoid updating existing mail generation programs when migrating from SMTPD to CSSMTP, you can configure the AtSign parameter with the character that is used by the mail generation programs for the at sign. CSSMTP updates mail message commands and headers by replacing the specified AtSign symbol with the industry standard at sign symbol @.
Guideline: If you want to specify the AtSign symbol in a code page other than the default IBM-1047, use the CSSMTP_CODEPAGE_CONFIG environment variable.
Result: If the AtSign option is not specified, the default value @ is processed using code page IBM-1047.
Specifies whether an EHLO SMTP command is sent after a successful TLS negotiation.
EHLO command is not sent after a successful TLS negotiation. This is the default value.
EHLO command is sent after a successful TLS negotiation.
Tip: Configure TLSEhlo Yes to enable communication with a mail server that requires an EHLO command after a successful TLS negotiation. RFC 3207 (SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security) specifies that sending an EHLO command is optional for a SMTP client after a successful TLS negotiation. However, some SMTP servers require an EHLO command after a successful TLS negotiation. To communicate with these servers, configure TLSEhlo Yes. For more information on enabling the SMTP client to use Transport Layer Security (TLS), see Steps for using Transport Layer Security for CSSMTP in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide