Software Update task

The Software Update task provides a graphical user interface that z/OS® system administrators and system programmers can use to easily manage updates for installed SMP/E managed software. With the Software Update task, you can apply updates to existing software instances and manage in-progress and completed update processes. This task provides a simple alternative to the complex task of running SMP/E JCL and then manually combing through the output and messages to interpret results and take the necessary actions.

Key features

With the Software Update task, you can complete three main tasks:
Install software updates
With the Start New Software Update window, you can select a software instance and zone and then choose to install either corrective, recommended, or functional updates on it, as available. For more information about the different types of software updates, see Types of software updates.
Manage in-progress software updates
With the View Updates in Progress window, you can view details about update processes that are currently in progress and select to cancel or resume them.
View completed software updates
With the Completed Updates window, you can view details about completed update processes.

The Software Update task updates software. If you need to install new software, do so with the z/OSMF Software Management task. For more information about installing new software, see Deploying software.

Getting started

Ensure that Software Update is configured and set up for use. For more information, see Configure the Software Management service in IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

Complete one of the following two sets of actions, depending on your chosen z/OSMF interface, to display the Software Update task:
  • Desktop Interface:
    1. In the z/OSMF desktop area, click the App Center icon (App Center icon) on the taskbar. The App Center window opens.
    2. Double-click the Software Update icon (Software Update icon). The Software Update window opens.
  • Classic Interface:
    1. In the z/OSMF navigation area, expand the Software category.
    2. Select Software Update. The Software Update window opens.

Updates are installed on existing software instances. To use the capabilities provided in the Software Update task, you must have at least one software instance defined. For more information about software instances and how to define them with the z/OSMF Software Management task, see Defining your software to z/OSMF

Useful resources:
  • For a list of terms you might encounter and need to know as you use the Software Update task, see Terminology.
  • For a summary of some basic SMP/E concepts that you might need to understand before you can fully use all the features that are provided in the Software Update task, see SMP/E concepts .
Note: Throughout this information, the term update might refer to either an individual update or the process to install updates.

To view the product documentation for any window in the Software Update task, click Help help icon.

For more information about the actions listed on the Software Update window, see Table 1.

Table 1. Actions for the Software Update task
Action Additional Information
Start New Software Update Starting new software updates
View Updates in Progress Managing in-progress software updates, which includes information about canceling and resuming in-progress update processes
Show Completed Updates Viewing completed software updates
Modify Settings Setting preferences for Software Update