Software Management task

The Software Management task, previously named the Deployment task, contains the software deployment functions along with additional software management functions. The Software Management task helps you streamline the software management process by providing a centralized location that you can use to manage your z/OS® software.

Important: Use only one z/OSMF instance to perform software management actions. Otherwise, the software-related data will not be centrally located; instead, it will be spread across multiple z/OSMF instances.

Key features

With the Software Management task, you can:

  • Define your software to z/OSMF. To do so, you must create one or more software instances to represent your installed software. A software instance can contain any software that is installed including the following software:
    • IBM® software installed from ServerPac, CBPDO, or fee-based installation offerings
    • ISV software
    • z/OS operating system and related products
    • Subsystems and related products
    • User written software

    It is recommended that a software instance contain a set of products that should be installed, maintained, migrated, and deployed as a group.

    Note that installation of software or service upgrades is outside the scope of the Software Management task. Use SMP/E or CustomPac offerings to assist with the installation process.

  • View a list of the products, features, FMIDs, and data sets that are included in your software instances. You can use this information to:
    • Identify which software instances, data sets, or systems might be impacted if you upgrade a product.
    • Determine if you have the prerequisites installed for a specific function.
    • Determine which data sets will be deployed during a deployment.
    • Determine whether the data sets conform to your installation's policies for naming conventions, placements, and so on.
    • Provide evidence of what is installed to an auditor, procurement team, or operations staff.
  • View details about your installed products. For example, you can do the following:
    • Obtain a list of all the products contained in any of your software instances.
    • Determine which products are nearing or have reached end of service support.
    • Identify which software instances contain a product and will be affected by any changes to the product.

    You can use this information to identify which products need to be ordered for a future upgrade and to provide evidence of what is installed to an auditor or procurement team.

  • Generate reports about your software. For example, you can generate the following reports:
    • End of Service. Helps you determine if any of the products contained in your software instances are approaching or have reached end of service support.
    • Missing Critical Service. Helps you determine if any unresolved PE PTFs, HIPERs, or other exception SYSMODs identified by ERROR HOLDDATA are contained in your software instances, and helps you identify the SYSMODs that will resolve those exceptions.
    • Missing FIXCAT SYSMODs. Helps you identify any unsatisfied hardware or software requisites that are required for a specific category of software fixes.
    • Software Instance Comparison. Helps you determine the functional and service differences between two software instances.
    • Software Instance Validation. Helps you verify that the software libraries that are associated with a software instance exist and contain the appropriate parts.
    • SYSMOD Search. Helps you determine if your software instances contain the SYSMODs in which you are interested. This could be useful in determining if you already installed a suggested fix or security APAR and how many software instances are affected by a specific PE PTF.
  • Deploy installed software. You can use this capability to copy installed software defined as a software instance and save it on DASD volumes shared within the same sysplex (local deployment) or on DASD volumes accessible to another sysplex (remote deployment).

    You might perform a deployment to prepare to upgrade one or more of the contained products in a software instance to a new product release level or a higher maintenance level. Or, to create a copy of a software instance so that it can run in a different environment, such as test, development, or production.

Getting started

Complete the following actions to display the Software Management task:
  • Desktop Interface:
    1. In the z/OSMF desktop area, click the App Center icon (App Center icon) on the taskbar. The App Center window opens.
    2. Double-click the Software Management icon (Software Management icon). The Software Management window opens.
    1. Software category.
    2. Select Software Management. The Software Management window opens.

To start using the capabilities provided in the Software Management task, at least one software instance must be defined. To define a software instance, on the Software Management page, select Software Instances. Then, select Add from the Actions menu on the Software Instances page.

To obtain information about the actions listed on the Software Management page, see Table 1.

To obtain information about actions that were previously listed on the Software Management page, see Table 2.

Table 1. Actions for the Software Management task
Action Additional Information
Software Instances Defining your software to z/OSMF
Products Displaying a list of your products
Deployments (previously called Deploy Software) Deploying software
Categories Organizing your software and deployments
Settings Setting preferences
Table 2. Previously listed actions
Action Additional Information
FTP Profiles Defining your FTP or SFTP profile settings
FTP Servers Specifying the FTP or SFTP server settings
HTTP Proxies Specifying your HTTP proxy settings
Systems Defining your systems to z/OSMF