End a TSO/E address space

You can use this operation to end a TSO/E address space or place it in a dormant state as a candidate for reconnection.

HTTP method and URI path

DELETE /zosmf/tsoApp/tso/<servletKey>?[tsoforcecancel=true|false]
  • zosmf/tsoApp identifies the TSO/E address space services.
  • tso informs the service that the request is for a TSO/E address space.
  • <servletKey> identifies the TSO/E address space to be ended or placed in a dormant state.
  • [tsoforcecancel] is an optional parameter that indicates whether to use the CANCEL or LOGOFF command to end the TSO/E address space. The parameter can have one of the following values:
    • True: The CANCEL command will be issued and the TSO/E address space will not be placed in a dormant state.
    • False (default): The LOGOFF command will be issued. If the CEA reconnect feature is enabled in your installation, the TSO/E address space will be placed in a dormant state. Otherwise, the TSO/E session will end.

Standard headers

Use the following standard HTTP header with this request:

Content-Type: application/json

Custom headers


Request content


Usage considerations

See Usage considerations for the z/OSMF REST services.

Required authorizations

See Required authorizations.

Expected response

On completion, the service returns an HTTP response, which includes a status code indicating whether your request completed. Status code 200 indicates success. A status code of 4nn or 5nn indicates that an error has occurred. For more details, see Error handling.

The response also includes a JSON object with additional information about the results of the request. For more details, see Content type used for HTTP request and response data.

Example: Logging off a TSO/E address space

To use the LOGOFF command to end the TSO/E address space identified by servlet key ZOSMFAD-71-aabcaaaf, submit the request depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample request to logoff a TSO/E address space
DELETE /zosmf/tsoApp/tso/ZOSMFAD-71-aabcaaaf HTTP/1.1
Host: zosmf1.yourco.com
A sample response is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample response for logoff a TSO/E address space request
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 05:39:28 +0000GMT
Connection: close


Example: Canceling a TSO/E address space

To use the CANCEL command to end the TSO/E address space identified by servlet key ZOSMFAD-71-aabcaaaf, submit the request depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Sample request to cancel a TSO/E address space
DELETE /zosmf/tsoApp/tso/ZOSMFAD-71-aabcaaaf?tsoforcecancel=true HTTP/1.1
Host: zosmf1.yourco.com
A sample response is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sample response for a cancel TSO/E address space request
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 05:39:28 +0000GMT
Connection: close
