Optional Parameters

Indicates a VSAM data set will be OPEN for VSAM CI level processing. These keywords apply to VSAM data sets only and are ignored when specified with other type of data set. CIMODE and NOCIMODE are mutually exclusive. CIMODE can only be specified with keyword INFILE, INDATASET, ERRORLIMIT, FROMADDRESS, SKIP, TOADDRESS, COUNT, NOMERGECAT, NOREPLACE and NOREUSE.
Use CI processing for the input data set on the REPRO command.
Do not use CI processing on input data set for the REPRO. NOCIMODE is the default.
specifies that bytes in the logical record contain DBCS characters. REPRO checks to ensure the DBCS data meets DBCS criteria. For more information about DBCS support, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets. This parameter cannot be specified with MERGECAT.
ENTRIES(entryname [ entryname...])| LEVEL(level)]
specifies the names of the entries in the source catalog to be merged when MERGECAT is specified.

For TSO/E users, TSO/E will prefix the userid to the specified data set name when ENTRIES is specified with an entry name without the userid. The userid is not prefixed when the LEVEL parameter is specified.

ENTRIES(entryname [ entryname...])
specifies the name or generic name of each entry to be merged. (See the examples of generic entries following the description of the LEVEL parameter.) When using a generic name with the ENTRIES parameter, entries must have one qualifier in addition to those specified in the command.

Note: For information concerning RACF® authorization levels, see Security Authorization Levels. RACF applies to both SMS- and non-SMS-managed data sets and catalogs.

Abbreviation: ENT

specifies that all entries matching the level of qualification you indicated with the LEVEL parameter are to be merged irrespective of the number of additional qualifiers. If a generic level name is specified, only one qualifier can replace the *. The * must not be the last character specified in the LEVEL parameter. LEVEL(A.*) will give you an error message.

The LEVEL parameter is not allowed when merging tape volume catalogs. For tape volume catalogs, see Access Method Services Tape Library Support and VOLUMEENTRIES parameter.

Abbreviation: LVL

Examples of ENTRIES and LEVEL:

Suppose a catalog contains the following names:

  1. A.A.B
  2. A.B.B
  3. A.B.B.C
  4. A.B.B.C.C
  5. A.C.C
  6. A.D
  7. A.E
  8. A
  • If ENTRIES(A.*) is specified, entries 6 and 7 are merged.
  • If ENTRIES(A.*.B) is specified, entries 1 and 2 are merged.
  • If LEVEL(A.*.B) is specified, entries 1, 2, 3, and 4 are merged.
  • If LEVEL(A) is specified, entries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are merged.
lets you select a failure limit. Use this parameter to set a limit to the number of errors REPRO copy will tolerate. The default is four, but any number from 1 to 2,147,483,647 can be used.

Abbreviation: ELIMIT

specifies the name of a DD statement that identifies all the volumes that contain the VVDSs to be updated. If you do not specify FILE, VSAM will try to dynamically allocate the required volumes.
specifies the location in the source data set where copying is to start. If no value is coded, the copying begins with the first logical record in the data set. You can use only one of the four choices.

Use the SKIP parameter for a SAM data set.

None of these parameters can be specified if you are copying a linear data set. You must copy the entire linear data set. FROMKEY can be specified when copying a catalog, but none of the other parameters may be used for a catalog.

The starting delimiter must be consistent with the ending delimiter. For example, if FROMADDRESS is specified for the starting location, use TOADDRESS to specify the ending location. The same is true for FROMKEY and TOKEY, and FROMNUMBER and TONUMBER.
specifies the key of the first record you want copied. You can specify generic keys (a portion of the key followed by *). If you specify generic keys, copying begins at the first record with a key matching the specified portion of the key. If you specify a key longer than that defined for the data set, the data set is not copied. If the specified key is not found, copying begins at the next higher key.
FROMKEY can be specified only when copying an alternate index, a KSDS, or a catalog.
Can contain 1-to-255 EBCDIC characters. A key ending in X'5C' is processed as a generic key.

Start of changeIf RLSSOURCE(YES) and RLSTARGET(YES) are specified, the keys specified in FROMKEY and TOKEY are expected to be a key-name:key-value pair where key name is what was specified in DEFINE CLUSTER KEYNAME. The key value is hashed by RLS to derive internal keys which might make the FROMKEY value greater than the TOKEY value. End of change

Abbreviation: FKEY

specifies the relative byte address (RBA) of the first record you want copied. The RBA value must be the beginning of a logical record. If you specify this parameter for key-sequenced data, the records are copied in physical sequential order instead of in logical sequential order. FROMADDRESS:
  • Can be coded only for key-sequenced or entry-sequenced data sets or components.
  • Cannot be specified when the data set is being accessed through a path.
  • Cannot be specified for a key-sequenced data set with spanned records if any of those spanned records are to be accessed.
Can be specified in decimal (n) or hexadecimal (X'n'). The specification cannot be longer than one fullword when specified in decimal.

The largest address you can specify in decimal is 4,294,967,295. If you require a higher value, specify it in hexadecimal.

Abbreviation: FADDR

specifies the relative record number of the first record you want copied. FROMNUMBER can be specified only when you copy a relative record data set.
Can be specified in decimal (n), hexadecimal (X'n'), or binary (B'n'). The specification cannot be longer than one fullword.

The largest address you can specify in decimal is 4,294,967,295. If you require a higher value, specify it in hexadecimal.

Abbreviation: FNUM

specifies the number of logical records to skip before beginning to copy records. For example, if you want to copy beginning with record number 500, specify SKIP(499).

SKIP should not be specified when you access the data set through a path; the results are unpredictable.

INSERTSHIFT((offset1 offset2)[(offset1 offset2)...])|INSERTALL
If DBCS is specified without INSERTSHIFT or INSERTALL, the logical record is assumed to already contain SO and SI characters, and REPRO will check during copying to ensure that the DBCS data meets DBCS criteria. INSERTSHIFT or INSERTALL can be specified only if DBCS is also specified, and the data set being copied is not a catalog.
INSERTSHIFT[((offset1 offset2)[(offset1 offset2)...])
indicates that SO and SI characters are to be inserted in the logical record during REPRO command processing. This action has a permanent effect on the target data set.
Indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied before which a SO character is to be inserted.
Indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied after which a SI character is to be inserted. offset2 must be greater than offset1 and the difference must be an odd number.

Offset pairs cannot overlap ranges.

The maximum number of offset pairs that can be specified is 255.

Abbreviation: ISHFT

specifies the entire logical record is assumed to contain only DBCS characters. An SO character is inserted at the beginning of the record and an SI character is inserted at the end of the record.

Abbreviation: ISALL

Specified the format of the REPRO MERGECAT output. These keywords are ignored when MERGECAT keyword is not specified. LIST and NOLIST are mutually exclusive.
Will not condense the output listing.

ALL is the default.

Will condense the output listing.
specifies whether entries from the source catalog are to be merged with the entries of the target catalog. When merging catalogs ensure that data sets whose entries are merged can still be located after the merge operation. This parameter cannot be specified with the DBCS parameter.

MERGECAT merges deferred generations if specified with the GDG base during a merge of the entire catalog. Deferred generations retain their deferred status in the target catalog. Rolled-off generations are also merged during a merge of all entries.

MERGECAT can also be specified for tape volume catalogs or VOLCATS. For more information on REPRO MERGECAT of VOLCATS, refer to Access Method Services Tape Library Support
specifies that the source catalog entries are to be merged with the target catalog entries and that the merged entries are to be deleted from the source catalog upon a successful merge operation.

The merge operation can be restarted if an error occurs, because the target catalog does not have to be empty. A LISTCAT and DIAGNOSE should be run before the MERGE is restarted. If the MERGE ended while processing a generation data group, it might be necessary to delete that generation data group from the target catalog because of duplicate data set names in the source and target catalogs.

Candidate volumes are preserved. MERGECAT retains candidate volume information when moving an entry from one catalog to another.

For some duplicate key errors, the merge does not end, and the processing of the next entry continues. However, some alias associations might not be merged because of the duplicate key error.

MERGECAT performs a series of DELETE NOSCRATCH and DEFINE RECATALOG requests to move entries from one catalog to another. For information concerning security authorization levels, see Security Authorization Levels.

During MERGECAT, if the target catalog name is found in the VVDS, the cluster entry for the VVDS is not recreated in the target catalog. You must use DEFINE CLUSTER RECATALOG to create the VVDS cluster entry in the target catalog.

Note that the use of LEVEL or ENTRIES parameter will not move extended aliases that use the SYMBOLICRELATE parameter to the new catalog.

For more information on how aliases are processed when using REPRO MERGECAT, see z/OS® DFSMS: Managing Catalogs under the section Splitting Catalogs or Moving Catalog Entries.

For more information on use of extended aliases see z/OS DFSMS: Managing Catalogs under the section Extended Alias Support.

See z/OS DFSMS Managing Catalogs for additional information on the integrity of RACF discrete profiles after using MERGECAT.

Abbreviation: MRGC

specifies that the source catalog is to be completely copied into an empty target catalog.

MERGECAT can also be specified for tape volume catalogs or VOLCATS. For more information on REPRO MERGECAT of VOLCATS, refer to Access Method Services Tape Library Support.

The empty target catalog implies that the copy operation cannot be restarted if an error occurs. Before the copy operation can be restarted, the target catalog must be redefined and all volumes that contain objects must be restored. For VOLCAT this is not applicable because they do not use VVDS. If the NOMERGECAT for VOLCAT fail you only need to delete or define the target VOLCAT and restart the NOMERGECAT.

After a REPRO of one catalog to another, the VVRs are changed to point to the target catalog, and all subsequent processing must be done under the target catalog.

Attention: Performing REPRO on a catalog while data sets are open in the source catalog might result in a loss of information if any of those data sets extend, or other catalog updates are made. The changes might not be copied to the target catalog, resulting in a mismatch between the information contained in the VVDS and the new target BCS. This might cause the data sets to be inaccessible or receive errors.

Abbreviation: NOMRGC

specifies whether a record in the source cluster (INFILE or INDATASET) is to replace a record in the target cluster (OUTFILE or OUTDATASET) when the source cluster is copied into the target cluster.

When the source cluster is copied, its records might have keys or relative record numbers identical to the keys or relative record numbers of data records in the target cluster. In this case, the source record replaces the target record.

REPLACE|NOREPLACE is not used when copying integrated catalog facility catalogs because these catalogs do not use the catalog unload and reload functions.

When a key-sequenced data set (other than a catalog) is copied, each source record with a key matching a target record's key replaces the target record. Otherwise, the source record is inserted into its appropriate place in the target cluster.

When a relative record data set is copied, each source record with a relative record number that identifies a data record (rather than an empty slot) in the target data set replaces the target data record. Otherwise, the source data record is inserted into the empty slot its relative record number identifies.

REPLACE cannot be used if the target data set is identified as a path through an alternate index, or if the target data set is a base cluster whose upgrade data set includes an alternate index defined with the unique-key attribute.

Abbreviation: REP

When a key-sequenced data set (other than a catalog) is copied, target records are not replaced by source records. For each source record whose key matches a target record's key, a duplicate record message is issued.

When a relative record data set is copied, target records are not replaced by source records. For each source record whose relative record number identifies a target data record instead of an empty slot, a duplicate record message is issued.

When copying something other than a VSAM data set to a sequential data set, the error limit parameter allows more than four mismatches or errors.

Abbreviation: NREP

specifies if the target data set is to be opened as a reusable data set. This parameter is valid only for VSAM data sets.
specifies that the target data set, specified with OUTFILE or OUTDATASET, is opened as a reusable data set whether or not it was defined as reusable with the REUSE parameter. (See the DEFINE CLUSTER command description.) If the data set was defined with REUSE, its high-used relative byte address (RBA) is reset to zero (that is, the data set is effectively empty) and the operation proceeds. When you open a reusable data set with the reset option, that data set cannot be shared with other jobs.

If REUSE is specified and the data set was originally defined with the NOREUSE option, the data set must be empty; if not, the REPRO command ends with an error message.

Abbreviation: RUS

specifies that records are written at the end of an entry-sequenced data set. (OUTFILE or OUTDATASET must identify a nonempty data set.)

Abbreviation: NRUS

SKIPDBCSCHECK((offset1 offset2)[(offset1 offset2)...])|NODBCSCHECK
SKIPDBCSCHECK and NODBCSCHECK cannot be specified unless DBCS is also specified.
SKIPDBCSCHECK((offset1 offset2)[(offset1 offset2)...])
indicates that characters between offset1 and offset2 are not to be checked for DBCS criteria during REPRO command processing.
Indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied at which checking is to cease until offset2 is reached.
Indicates the byte offset in the logical record after which checking is to resume. offset2 must be greater than offset1.

Offset pairs cannot overlap ranges.

The maximum number of offset pairs that can be specified is 255.

Abbreviation: SKDCK

indicates DBCS verification checking will not be done.

Abbreviation: NODCK

specifies where copying is to end in the data set being copied. You can specify only one of these parameters for a copy operation. The location where copying is to end must follow the location where it is to begin. If no value is coded, copying ends at the logical end of the data set or component.

COUNT is the only parameter that can be specified for a SAM data set.

None of these parameters can be specified if you are copying a linear data set. You must copy the entire linear data set. TOKEY can be specified when copying a catalog, but none of the other parameters may be used for a catalog.

The ending delimiter must be consistent with the starting delimiter. For example, if FROMADDRESS is specified for the starting location, use TOADDRESS to specify the ending location. The same is true for FROMKEY and TOKEY, and FROMNUMBER and TONUMBER.
specifies the key of the last record you want copied. You can specify generic keys (a portion of the key followed by *). If you specify generic keys, copying stops after the last record whose key matches that portion of the key you specified is copied. If you specify a key longer than the one defined for the data set, the data set is not copied. If the specified key is not found, copying ends at the next lower key. TOKEY can be specified only when copying an alternate index, a KSDS, or a catalog.
Can contain 1-to-255 EBCDIC characters.

Start of changeIf RLSSOURCE(YES) and RLSTARGET(YES) are specified, the keys specified in FROMKEY and TOKEY are expected to be a key- name:key-value pair where key name is what was specified in DEFINE CLUSTER KEYNAME. The key value is hashed by RLS to derive internal keys which might make the FROMKEY value greater than the TOKEY value. End of change

specifies the relative byte address (RBA) of the last record you want copied. Unlike FROMADDRESS, the RBA value does not need to be the beginning of a logical record. The entire record containing the specified RBA is copied.

If you specify this parameter for a KSDS, the records are copied in physical sequential order instead of in logical sequential order.

Use TOADDRESS with VSAM key-sequenced or entry-sequenced data sets or components. TOADDRESS cannot be specified when the data set is accessed through a path. TOADDRESS cannot be specified for a key-sequenced data set with spanned records if any of those spanned records are to be accessed.
can be specified in decimal (n) or hexadecimal (X'n'). The specification cannot be longer than one fullword.

The largest address you can specify in decimal is 4,294,967,295. If you require a higher value, specify it in hexadecimal.

Abbreviation: TADDR
specifies the relative record number of the last record you want copied. TONUMBER can be specified only when you copy a relative record data set.
Can be specified in decimal (n), hexadecimal (X'n'), or binary (B'n'). The specification cannot be longer than one fullword.

The largest address you can specify in decimal is 4,294,967,295. If you require a higher value, specify it in hexadecimal.

Abbreviation: TNUM

specifies the number of logical records you want copied. COUNT should not be specified when you access the data set through a path; results are unpredictable.
specifies the tape volume catalogs to be merged or copied. The LEVEL parameter is not allowed when merging tape volume catalogs. When a tape volume catalog is copied, REPRO verifies that the target is a tape volume catalog.

Abbreviation: VOLENTRIES or VOLENT

specifies how the source dataset will be open.
indicates the source data set will be opened using Non-Shared Resources (NSR).

Abbreviation: N

Default: NO

indicates that the source data set will be opened using Record Level Sharing (RLS), and the data set will have consistent read integrity.

Abbreviation: Y

: indicates that the source data set will be opened using Record Level Sharing (RLS), and the data set will be quiesced before processing any entries.

Abbreviation: Q

Abbreviation: RLSS

specifies how the target dataset will be open.
: indicates the target data set will be opened using Non-Shared Resources (NSR).

Abbreviation: N

Default: NO

: indicates that the target data set will be opened using Record Level Sharing (RLS), and the data set will have consistent read integrity.

Abbreviation: Y

indicates that the source data set is quiesced before AMS calls VSAM for RLS OPEN. VSAM switches the data set out of RLS mode and ultimately open it in nonRLS mode.

Abbreviation: Q

Abbreviation: RLSS

Note: If the request is to REPRO a user catalog, and the user catalog is in RLS mode, for example, defined with RLSENABLE, and the following needs to be noted:
  • ACBERFLG 181 is expected, if RLSSOURCES(YES) and/or RLSTARGET(YES) options are specified for INDATASET/OUTDATASET.
  • ACBERFLG 168 is expected, if RLSTARGET(NO|QUIESCE) is specified for either OUTFILE or OUTDATASET.