Abstract for MVS JCL User's Guide

Purpose of this information:

This information describes the job control tasks needed to enter jobs into the operating system, control the system's processing of jobs, and request the resources needed to run jobs. To perform the tasks, programmers code job control statements. This information describes how to use these statements, which consist of:
  • Job control language (JCL) statements
  • Job entry subsystem 2 (JES2) control statements
  • Job entry subsystem 3 (JES3) control statements

This information is designed as a user's guide, to be used when deciding how to perform job control tasks. It does not describe how to code the statements. For an introduction to the statements and for coding information, see the companion information, z/OS MVS JCL Reference.

Who should use this information:

This information is for system and application programmers who enter programs into the operating system. Those using this information should understand the concepts of job management and data management.

Where to find more information:

To have complete JCL information, you need the following information:

Where necessary, this information references information in other books, using shortened versions of the book title. For complete titles and order numbers of the books for all products that are part of z/OS, see z/OS Information Roadmap.