Global Interface Settings

Use this panel to configure global interface settings to be applied to all interfaces.


  1. Specify how long an ARP table entry remains valid, in minutes. If you do not specify a value, the default is 20 minutes.
    Result: This parameter does not affect ARP timeout for OSA-Express® Ethernet interfaces (CHPID type OSD) because the ARP cache is offloaded to the OSA-Express feature.
  2. Enable the check box to dynamically create Internal Queued Direct I/O (IQD) interfaces and transparently converge them with OSA interfaces that have the same PNetID for OSD CHPIDs. The IQD interface that is dynamically created is logically converged with the OSA interface and is referred to as a HiperSockets Converged Interface (HSCI), also referred to as an IQDC interface.
    Tip: Converging an IQD interface with an OSA interface means that the different interface types are combined into a single logical network interface having a single IP address and presence to application services and APIs. The lower layers of z/OS® software exploit both interface types by using the most efficient network path, external (OSA) or internal (IQD) when possible.
    Rule: This function is available beginning with V2R3, and this check box will only generate configuration in images of V2R3 and later releases.
    In addition to enabling the parameter, you can optimize for large traffic as follows:
    • Select Use IQDC interfaces for all eligible traffic between LPARs in this CEC to enable the ALLTRAFFIC parameter. When this parameter is selected, all eligible traffic will use the internal path.
    • Select Do not use IQDC interfaces for outbound TCP socket data transmissions of length 32KB or larger. Use IQDC interfaces for all other eligible outbound traffic to enable the NOLARGEDATA parameter. When this parameter is selected, only eligible data transmissions smaller than 32KB will use the internal path. Data transmissions that are 32KB or larger will always use the external (OSA) path.
  3. Click the "Configure settings if this TCP/IP is in an ensemble" link to configure ensemble settings.
  4. Click the "Other advanced settings" link to configure advanced settings.

For more detailed help, see the following elements of this window: