List File Information


Lists detailed file or directory information. This API is an w_pioctl (BPX1PIO) call specifying a path name rather than a pfsctl (BPX1PCT) call specifying a file system name.


PX1PIO parameter list
   Pathname_length     int
   Pathname            char[1025]
   Command             int                 0x0000A901
   Argument_length     int                 sizeof(FOBJ_INFO)
   Argument            ptr to FOBJ_INFO
   Return_value        ptr to int          0
   Return_code         ptr to int          0
   Reason_code         ptr to int          0

   fo_seconds          hyper               Second since last epoch
   fo_mircoseconds     int                 Micro seconds since last epoch
   fo_unused           int                 Reserved

   fo_index            int                 Location of ACL
   fo_length           int                 Length of ACL

   fo_read             char                Read information
   fo_write            char                Write information
   fo_exec             char                Exec information
   fo_res1             char                1 - No auditing
                                           2 - Success auditing
                                           3 - Failure auditing

   fo_vnode            hyper               Address of zFS vnode
   fo_vntok            hyper               Address of z/OS UNIX vnode
   fo_openwaiters      unsigned int        Number of tasks waiting to open a
                                           file blocked by deny-mode opens
   fo_internalopens    unsigned int        Number of internal opens
   fo_readopens        unsigned int        Number of opens for read
   fo_writeopens       unsigned int        Number of opens for write
   fo_denyreads        unsigned short      Number of deny-read opens
   fo_denywrites       unsigned short      Number of deny-write opens
   fo_advdenyreads     unsigned short      Number of advisory deny-read opens
   fo_advdenywrites    unsigned short      Number of advisory deny-write opens
   fo_sysflags         char                Miscellaneous information:
                                           0x01 - file being read sequentially
                                           0x02 - file written sequentially
                                           0x04 - security information cached
                                           0x08 - file location information
                                           0x10 - symlink information cached
                                           0x20 - metadata updates sent to
                                                  server, can not directly
                                                  read without a server sync
                                           0x40 - tokens are being revoked
                                           0x80 - file is undergoing thrashing
   fo_sysflags2        char                More miscellaneous information
                                           0x01 - file system owned locally
   fo_unused           char[2]             Reserved
   fo_unscheduled      int                 Number of 4K pages in user file
                                           cache that need to be written
   fo_pending          int                 Number of 4K pages being written
   fo_segments         int                 Number of 64K segments in user cache
   fo_dirtysegment     int                 Number of segments with pages that
                                           need to be written
   fo_metaissued       int                 Number of I/Os in progress that will
                                           require a metadata update   
   fo_metapending      int                 Number of queued metadata updates
   fo_rights           int                 Token rights held by object
   fo_xmits            short               Number of XCF messages client has
                                           sent server for this object
   fo_fwd              short               Number of in-progress operations
                                           for object using thrashing protocol
   fo_metabuffers      int                 Number of buffers in metadata cache
                                           for this object, only client systems
   fo_dirtybuffers     int                 Number of metadata buffers updated
                                           for object that are on server and
                                           need writing
   fo_owner            char[9]             Name of owning system
   fo_localsys         char[9]             Name of local system
   fo_pad              char[2]             Reserved
   fo_sysres           int[9]              Reserved

   fo_eye              char[4]             "FOIN"
   fo_len              short               Size of(FOBJ_INFO)
   fo_ver              char                1
                                           2 for returning information 
                                           introduced in z/OS V2R3
   fo_inflags          char                1- Only in-memory system information
                                              is being requested.
   fo_inode            int                 Object inode
   fo_unique           int                 Object uniquifier
   fo_length           hyper               POSIX length of object (in bytes)
   fo_mtime            FOBJ_TIME           Last modification time
   fo_atime            FOBJ_TIME           Last access time
   fo_ctime            FOBJ_TIME           Last change time
   fo_reftime          FOBJ_TIME           Last reference time
   fo_create           FOBJ_TIME           Create time
   fo_allocation       char                How object stored on disk:
                                           1 - Object is stored inline
                                           2 - Object is stored fragmented
                                           3 - Object is stored blocked
   fo_owner_perms      char                Permissions for owner of file:
                                           0x01 - Execute permission
                                           0x02 - Write permission
                                           0x04 - Read permission
   fo_group_perms      char                Permissions for the group:access
                                           to the file:
                                           0x01 - Execute permission
                                           0x02 - Write permission
                                           0x04 - Read permission
   fo_other_perms      char                Permissions of other users of file:
                                           0x01 - Execute permission
                                           0x02 - Write permission
                                           0x04 - Read permission
    fo_allocated        unsigned int        Number of allocated bytes
   fo_locinfo          union               Location of object's data
       fo_direct       unsigned int[8]     Location of first 8 logical blocks
       fo_indirect     unsigned int[4]     Location of indirect tree roots
       -- or --
       fo_block        unsigned int        Block with object's data
       fo_start        unsigned short      Starting fragment in block
       fo_len          unsigned short      Number of fragments
   fo_uid              int                 UID of owner
   fo_gid              int                 GID of owner
   fo_access           FOBJ_ACLINFO	       Access acl
   fo_dmodel           FOBJ_ACLINFO        Directory model acl
   fo_fmodel           FOBJ_ACLINFO        File model acl
   fo_user             FOBJ_AUDIT          User audit information
   fo_auditor          FOBJ_AUDIT          Auditor audit information
   fo_permbits         char                Sticky bit and other bits:
                                           0x01 - setgid
                                           0x02 - setuid
                                           0x04 - Sticky bit on  
  <some bits>          int                 Miscellaneous bits in an integer
   fo_txtflag          bit 0               Context are pure text
   fo_deferflag        bit 1               Defer tag set until first write
   fo_filefmt          bits 2-7            File format attribute:
                       bits 8-31           Reserved
   fo_ccsid            unsigned short      Hex CCSID
   fo_seclabel         char[8]             Seclabel of object
   fo_entrycount       unsigned int        If object a directory, the number
                                           of names it contains.
   fo_linkcount        unsigned int        POSIX linkcount for object
   fo_dataversion      unsigned int        Data version for directory updates
   fo_genvalue         unsigned int        USS attribute flags of object
   fo_cver             char[8]             Creation verifier
   fo_majorminor       char[8]             If object a character special file,
                                           major/minor number.
   fo_type             char                Object type:
                                           0x01 - directory
                                           0x02 - regular file
                                           0x03 - symlink
                                           0x04 - FIFO
                                           0x05 - character special file
   fo_flags            char                Additional object flags:
                                           0x01 - object is a v5 directory
                                           0x02 - v5 directory tree structure
                                                  is broken
                                           0x04 - automatic conversion to v5
                                           0x08 - contents are logged
   fo_offset           short               Offset of anode
   fo_anodeblock       unsigned int        Physical block that contains anode
   fo_status_level     char                Directory status byte
                                           0x80 - directory is v5
                                           0x1F - max depth of v5 tree
   fo_res              char[3]             Reserved
   fo_res3             int[3]              Reserved

fo_CEprogress   unsigned_int     Next block to process for a blocked file            
                                 that is undergoing encryption or decryption.                                   
fo_compBlocks   unsigned_int     Number of 8k blocks that were saved based on 
                                 compression of file data.
fo_CEFlag       char             Encryption and compression indicator flags:
                                 0x03   Encryption bits in fo_CEFlag 
                                 0x00     Not-encrypted
                                 0x01     Decrypting
                                 0x02     Encrypting
                                 0x03     Encrypted
                                 0x0C   Compression bits in fo_CEFlag 
                                 0x00     Not-compressed
                                 0x04     Decompressing
                                 0x08     Compressing
                                 0x0C     Compressed
fo_res4 char[3] Reserved
fo_res5 int[8]  Reserved
fo_info FOBJ_SYSINFO      System based transient information

Return_value 0 if request is successful, -1 if it is not successful

EBUSY             Aggregate containing file system is quiesced
EINTR             ZFS is shutting down
EINVAL            Invalid parameter list
EMVSERR           Internal error using an osi service
ENOENT            No such file or directory exists

0xEFnnxxxx See z/OS Distributed File Service Messages and Codes

Usage notes

  1. The aggregate must be mounted or attached.
  2. If you set fo_inflags to 1, only local data is retrieved. If you set fo_inflags to 0, both global and local data are retrieved.
  3. Reserved fields and undefined flags must be set to binary zeros.

Privilege required

The issuer must have lookup authority (x) to the directory and READ authority (r) to the file.

Related services

  • List Aggregate Status (Version 2)




#pragma linkage(BPX1GCW, OS)
#pragma linkage(BPX1PIO, OS)

extern void BPX1GCW(int, char *, int *, int *, int *);
extern void BPX1PIO(int, char *, int, int, void *, int *, int *, int *);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ZFSIOCTL_FILEINFO 0x0000A901    /* zFS ioctl command to        */ 
                                        /* return detailed fileinfo    */
                                        /* for a zFS file or directory */

#define hiszero(a) ((a).low == 0 && (a).high == 0)
#define hcmp(a,b)  ((a).high<(b).high? -1 : ((a).high > (b).high? 1 :    \
                   ((a).low <(b).low? -1 : ((a).low > (b).low? 1 : 0))))

#define u_int unsigned int
#define uint16_t unsigned short
typedef struct hyper {                  /* This is a 64 bit integer to zFS */
    unsigned int  high;
    unsigned int  low;
} hyper;

/* The FOBJ_INFO structure is used to contain the output of the fileinfo */
/* ioctl query to provide detailed information for a singular object in a */
/* zFS file system. */
typedef struct FOBJ_ACLINFO_t {
    int           fo_index;             /* Index into the anode table of */ 
                                        /* the location of the ACL       */
    int           fo_length;            /* Length of the ACL */

typedef struct FOBJ_AUDIT_t {
    char          fo_read;              /* read auditing information */
    char          fo_write;             /* write auditing information */
    char          fo_exec;              /* exec auditing information */
    char          fo_res1;
#define FO_NONE 0                       /* no auditing */
#define FO_SUCC 1                       /* success auditing */
#define FO_FAIL 2                       /* fail auditing */

typedef struct FOBJ_TIME_t {
    hyper         fo_seconds;           /* number of seconds since epoch */
    int           fo_microseconds;      /* number of microseconds since epoch*/
    int           fo_tres1;             /* unused */

typedef struct FOBJ_SYSINFO_t {         /* HEX displacement into FOBJ_INFO */
    hyper         fo_vnode;         /* 138 - Address of vnode in zFS 
                                       kernel memory */
    hyper         fo_vntok;         /* 140 - Address of USS vnode in 
                                       z/OS Unix address space */
    unsigned int  fo_openwaiters;   /* 148 - Number of tasks waiting to open 
                                       file because blocked
                                       by current deny-mode opens */
    unsigned int  fo_internalopens; /* 14C - Number of internal 
                                       opens on the file */
    unsigned int  fo_readopens;     /* 150 - Number of opens for
                                       read on the file */
    unsigned int  fo_writeopens;    /* 154 - Number of write opens */
    unsigned short fo_denyreads;    /* 158 - Number of deny-read opens */
    unsigned short fo_denywrites;   /* 15A - Number of deny-write opens */
    unsigned short fo_advdenyreads; /* 15C - Number of adv. deny read opens */
    unsigned short fo_advdenywrites;/* 15E - Number of adv. deny write opens */
    char          fo_sysflags;      /* 160 - Misc. information */
#define FO_SEQREAD 1                /* Object is a file that zFS determined 
                                       is being read sequentially */
#define FO_SEQWRITE 2               /* Object is a file that zFS is 
                                       being written sequentially */
#define FO_FSPVALID 4               /* System has security information 
                                       cached for anode */
#define FO_ANODEVALID 8             /* System has posix attribute and 
                                       disk location information cached */
#define FO_SYMLINKVALID 16          /* System has the symbolic link contents
                                       cached for the object */
#define FO_METAUPDATES 32           /* Client has sent metadata updates to the 
                                       server, and cannot directly read without
                                       a server sync */
#define FO_REVOKE 64                /* Revoke in progress */
#define FO_THRASH 128               /* Object is considered sysplex-thrashing 
                                       and thrash resolution is in 
                                       effect for file */
    char          fo_sysflags2;     /* 161 - Misc. information 2 */
#define FO_OWNER 1                  /* This system is the owner of 
                                       the file system */
#define FO_BACKUP 2                 /* There is an incremental backup in */
                                    /* progress on this system for this file */
    char          fo_unused[2];     /* 162 - reserved */
    int           fo_unscheduled;   /* 164 - Number of dirty 4K pages in the 
                                       user file cache that have not yet been 
                                       written to disk */
    int           fo_pending;       /* 168 - Number of pending 4K pages 
                                       in transit to disk */
    int           fo_segments;      /* 16C - Number of 64K segment structures 
                                       in the user file cache for the file */
    int           fo_dirtysegments; /* 170 - Number of 64K segment structures 
                                       that have dirty pages in the 
                                       user file cache */
    int           fo_metaissued;    /* 174 - Number of in-progress IOs to disk 
                                       that will require a metadata 
                                       update to reflect new data in the file*/
    int           fo_metapending;   /* 178 - Number of queued metadata updates 
                                       for file, for IOs completed to new data 
                                       for the file */
    int           fo_rights;        /* 17C - Token rights held for object */
    short         fo_xmits;         /* 180 - Number of in-progress 
                                       transmissions from client to 
                                       server for this file */
    short         fo_fwd;           /* 182 - Number of in-progress forwarded 
                                       operations due to thrashing object */
    int           fo_metabuffers;   /* 184 - Number of buffers for file in the 
                                       metadata cache - client only */
    int           fo_dirtybuffers;  /* 188 - Number of dirty metadata buffers 
                                       in the metadata cache for 
                                       object - server only */
    char          fo_owner[9];      /* 18C - the name of the owner */
    char          fo_localsys[9];   /* 195 - the name of the local system */
    char          fo_pad;           /* 19E - pad */
    char          fo_backpct;       /* 19F - The percentage complete of an */
                                    /* incremental backup, if one is in */
                                    /* progress, else 0 */
#define FO_SYSRES_NUM 9
    int           fo_sysres[FO_SYSRES_NUM]; /* 1A0 - Reserved for future use */

typedef struct fobj_info_t {        /* HEX displacement into FOBJ_INFO */
    char          fo_eye[4];        /* 000 - Eye catcher */
#define FO_EYE "FOIN"
    short         fo_len;           /* 004 - Length of this structure */
    char          fo_ver;           /* 006 - Version */
#define FO_VER_INITIAL 1           /* Initial version */
    char          fo_inflags;      /* 007 - Input flag bits indicating 
                                      requested function */
#define FO_SYSINFO_ONLY 1          /* Only the in-memory system information 
                                      is being requested */
    int           fo_inode;        /* 008 - Inode of the object */
    int           fo_unique;       /* 00C - Uniquifier of the object */
    hyper         fo_length;       /* 010 - Posix length of object in bytes */
    FOBJ_TIME     fo_mtime;        /* 018 - Modification time */
    FOBJ_TIME     fo_atime;        /* 028 - access time */
    FOBJ_TIME     fo_ctime;        /* 038 - change time */
    FOBJ_TIME     fo_reftime;      /* 048 - referenct time */
    FOBJ_TIME     fo_create;       /* 058 - creation time of object */
    char          fo_allocation;   /* 068 - How the object is stored on disk */
#define FO_INLINE 1                /* Object is stored inline */
#define FO_FRAGMENTED 2            /* Object is stored fragmented */
#define FO_BLOCKED 3               /* Object is stored in the blocked 
                                      method, or is empty */
    char          fo_owner_perms;  /* 069 - Permissions for the owner 
                                      of this file */
#define FO_READ 4                  /* has read permission */
#define FO_WRITE 2                 /* has write permission */
#define FO_EXEC 1                  /* has execute permission */
    char          fo_group_perms;  /* 06A -Permissions for the group 
                                      associated with this file */
    char          fo_other_perms;  /* 06B - Permissions for other.. */
    unsigned int  fo_allocated;    /* 06C - Number of allocated bytes to 
                                      object, including internal control 
                                      structures, in kilobyte units */
        struct {
            unsigned int fo_direct[8];   /* 070 - Physical location of first 8 
                                            logical blocks of object */
            unsigned int fo_indirect[4]; /* 090 - Physical location of indirect
                                            tree roots, trees 0 - 3 */
#define     FO_UNALLOCATED 0xFFFFFFFF    /* This value means block is not 
                                            allocated in fo_direct or 
                                            fo_indirect slot */
        } fo_blockinfo;

        struct {
            unsigned int   fo_block;    /* 070 - Block that contains the 
                                           object data */
            unsigned short fo_start;    /* 074 - Start fragment in the block */
            unsigned short fo_len;      /* 076 - Number of fragments
                                           in the block */
        } fo_fraginfo;
    } fo_locinfo;                       /* Location of objects data */

    int fo_uid;                         /* 0A0 - UID of the owner of object */
    int fo_gid;                         /* 0A4 - group id of owner of object */
    FOBJ_ACLINFO fo_access;             /* 0A8 - ACL information for access 
                                           acl of object */
    FOBJ_ACLINFO fo_dmodel;             /* 0B0 - ACL information for directory
                                           model acl */
    FOBJ_ACLINFO fo_fmodel;             /* 0B8 - ACL information for file 
                                           model acl */
    FOBJ_AUDIT fo_user;                 /* 0C0 - User auditing information */
    FOBJ_AUDIT fo_auditor;              /* 0C4 - Auditor auditing information*/
    char fo_permbits;                   /* 0C8 - Sticky and other bits */
#define FO_ISVTX 4                      /* sticky bit on */
#define FO_ISUID 2                      /* setuid */
#define FO_ISGID 1                      /* setgid */
    int fo_txtflag : 1;                 /* 0C9 - contents are pure 
                                           text indicator */
    int fo_defertag : 1;                /* 0C9 - Defer tag set until 
                                           first write */
    int fo_filefmt : 6;                 /* 0C9 - File format attribute */
                                        /* 0=NA 1=BIN 2=NL 3=CR 4= LF */
                                        /* 5=CRLF 6=LFCR 7=CRNL 8=REC */
    short        fo_ccsid;              /* 0CA - hex ccsid */
    char         fo_seclabel[8];        /* 0CC - seclabel of the object */
    unsigned int fo_entrycount;         /* 0D4 - Number of names in the
                                           directory, if this is a directory */
    unsigned int fo_linkcount;          /* 0D8 - Posix linkcount for object */
    unsigned int fo_dataversion;        /* 0DC - Data version for 
                                           directory updates */
    unsigned int fo_genvalue;           /* 0E0 - USS attribute flags 
                                           of object */
    char         fo_cver[8];            /* 0E4 - Creation verifier */
    char         fo_majorminor[8];      /* 0EC - Major/minor number if object
                                           is a char special file */
    char         fo_type;               /* 0F4 - Object type */
#define FO_DIR 1                        /* object is directory */
#define FO_FILE 2                       /* object is a regular file */
#define FO_LINK 3                       /* object is a symlink */
#define FO_FIFO 4                       /* object is a fifo */
#define FO_CHARSPEC 5                   /* object is a char special file */
    char         fo_flags;              /* 0F5 - Additional flag bits of
                                           object */
#define FO_VER5 1                       /* Object is a directory stored in
                                           new-fast format */
#define FO_BROKEN 2                     /* The tree structure of this new-fast
                                           format dir is broken */
#define FO_CONVERT_FAIL 4               /* Automatic conversion of the 
                                           directory failed */
    short        fo_offset;             /* 0F6 - Offset into the physical block
                                           that contains the anode for object*/
    unsigned int fo_anodeblock;         /* 0F8 - Physical block in aggregate 
                                           that contains the anode */
    char         fo_statuslevel;        /* 0FC - directory status byte */
    char         fo_res[3];             /* 0FD - reserved */
    int          fo_res3[3];            /* 100 - For future use */
    unsigned int fo_CEprogress;         /* 10C - Next logical block to process
                                           for encrypt/decrypt/compress/
                                           decompress     */
    unsigned int fo_compBlocks;         /* 110 - Number of 8K blocks saved
                                           based on compressions of file data*/
    char         fo_CEFlag;             /* 114 - Encrypt/compress indicator flags */
#define FOBJ_ENC_BITS         0x03
#define FOBJ_NOT_ENC          0x00
#define FOBJ_DECRYPTING       0x01
#define FOBJ_ENCRYPTING       0x02
#define FOBJ_ENCRYPTED        0x03
#define FOBJ_COMP_BITS        0x0C
#define FOBJ_NOT_COMP         0x00
#define FOBJ_DECOMPRESSING    0x04
#define FOBJ_COMPRESSING      0x08
#define FOBJ_COMPRESSED       0x0C
    char  fo_res4[3];                   /* 115 - For future use */
    int   fo_res5[8];                   /* 118 - For future use */
    FOBJ_SYSINFO fo_info;               /* 138 - System based transient
                                           information */
} FOBJ_INFO;                            /* 1C4 total length */

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
  int       bpxrv;
  int       bpxrc;
  int       bpxrs;
  char      parm_pathname[1024];
  char      pathname[1024];
  char      *pathp          = NULL;
  FOBJ_INFO fobj;
  FOBJ_INFO *fo             = &fobj;
  void      *arg            = (void *)fo;
  int       arglen          = sizeof(fobj);
  char      buffer1[80];
  char      buffer2[80];
  hyper     bogusSignedTime;
  char      *p;
  char      *timep;
  char      time1_string[30];
  char      time2_string[30];
  char      seclabel[9];
  char      temp;
  if (argc < 2) 
    printf("Please specify a file or directory path name as a parameter\n");

  strncpy(parm_pathname, argv[1], sizeof(pathname));

  if (parm_pathname[0] == '/')  /* if absolute pathname         */
    pathp = parm_pathname;      /* put ptr to pathname in pathp */
  {   /* if relative pathname */
    pathname[0] = 0;
    bpxrc = 0;
    bpxrv = 0;
    bpxrs = 0;
    /* get current working directory path */
    BPX1GCW(sizeof(pathname), pathname, &bpxrv, &bpxrc, &bpxrs); 
    if (bpxrv == -1) 
      printf("BPX1GCW call failed rc %u rsn %8.8X\n", bpxrc, bpxrs);
      return bpxrc;
    if ((strlen(pathname) + strlen(parm_pathname) + 1) > sizeof(pathname)) 
    {   /* if name longer than maximum pathname */
      printf("directory path name too long - input name len "
             "%d plus cwd len %d for buffer size %d\n",
             strlen(parm_pathname), strlen(pathname), sizeof(pathname));
      return 121; /* EINVAL */
    /* take the current working directory and append slash */
    strcat(pathname, "/");          
    /* then append the input relative path name */
    strcat(pathname, parm_pathname); 
    /* put ptr to result in pathp */
    pathp = pathname;               

  bpxrc = 0;
  bpxrv = 0;
  bpxrs = 0;
  memset((char *)&fobj, 0x00, sizeof(fobj));
  memcpy(&fobj.fo_eye, FO_EYE, 4);
  fobj.fo_len = sizeof(fobj);
  fobj.fo_ver = FO_VER_INITIAL;
  BPX1PIO(strlen(pathp), pathp, ZFSIOCTL_FILEINFO, 
          arglen, arg, &bpxrv, &bpxrc, &bpxrs);
  if (bpxrv < 0) 
    printf("Error getting fileinfo for pathname %s\n", pathp);
    printf("BPXRV = %d BPXRC = %d BPXRS = %x\n", bpxrv, bpxrc, bpxrs);
    return bpxrc;
  {   /* Return from fileinfo was successful */
    printf(" Object path: %s\n", pathp);
    printf(" Inode is %lu\n", fo->fo_inode);
    printf(" Length is %llu\n", fo->fo_length);

    /* Some common object information */
    printf(" Object type is %s\n",
           fo->fo_type == FO_DIR ? "DIR" :
           fo->fo_type == FO_FILE ? "FILE" :
           fo->fo_type == FO_LINK ? "LINK" :
           fo->fo_type == FO_CHARSPEC ? "CHARSPEC" : "??");

    /* Some directory object information */
    if (fo->fo_type == FO_DIR) 
      printf(" Directory version %u\n",
             fo->fo_flags & FO_VER5 ? 5 : 4);
  return 0;