bpxwmigf - Migrate HFS or zFS file systems to zFS


bpxwmigf -query [sourcefs] [-filter active|success|failed]

bpxwmigf -cancel sourcefs

bpxwmigf -source sourcefs [target targetfs] [-mode rw|ro|asis]
[-parm fsparms|-noparm] [-swap|-noswap] [-srename newname|-nosrename]
[-trename newtname|-notrename] [-wait minutes] [-status minutes]
[-priority priority]


Use the bpxwmigf command to migrate file systems to zFS. Superuser authority is required.


Filters query results. The -filter option is ignored for a query for a specific migration.
Filters for currently active migrations. The results include migrations that are queued, mirroring, mirror complete, swapping, and swap defer.
Filters for failed and canceled migrations.
Filters for successful migrations.
-mode rw|ro|asis
The final mount mode for the target zFS file system.
The zFS file system is mounted read/write.
The zFS file system is mounted read-only.
The file system is mounted as is. It is the default.
Start of changeSpecifies the mount parameter options for the target zFS file system. If you do not specify either -parm or -noparm, the mount parameter for the source file system is used if the source is a zFS file system. If the source mount parameter is changed dynamically during migration, the mount parameter for the target file system will not be affected.
Start of changeThe mount parameter for the target zFS file system after the migration is completed.End of change
Start of changeClears the mount parameter for the target zFS file system. Following are examples of when you might want to use this option:
  • You have previously set -parm but then realize that you no longer want a zFS parameter for this particular mount.
  • If you prefer to specify all command parameters without allowing defaults, you can specify -noparm if you do not want a mount parameter.
End of change
End of change
-priority priority
Specifies the migration priority 1 - 9 where 1 is the highest priority and 9 is the lowest. To slow down the migration, specify a higher number. Using a higher number reduces the impact to applications that access the migrating file systems or to extend the migration resource over a longer period.
Default: 2
-source source
Start of changeWhere source is the name of the file system to be migrated. End of change
-srename newname|-norename
Specifies whether to rename the source file system to newname.
-srename newname
Renames the source file system to newname.
Does not rename the source file system to newname. It is the default.
-status minutes
Specifies the status update interval during the wait.
Specifies the swap options.
Performs the swap as soon as the file systems are synchronized.
Maintains the file systems in synchronization but the file systems are not swapped until a request with -swap is made. It is the default.
-target target
Start of changeWhere target is the target zFS file system.End of change
Specifies whether to rename the target zFS file system.
The target zFS file system is renamed after the swap to the source name. -srename must be specified or be already in effect.
The target zFS file system is not renamed after the swap.
-trename newtname
The target zFS file system is renamed to newtname after the swap.
-wait minutes
The migration command does not end until the specified number of minutes has elapsed or when the migration completes.

Usage notes

  1. The target zFS file system must be allocated and formatted as a version 5 zFS file system, and not mounted.
  2. The target zFS must be empty before migration can begin. If the target zFS is being reused, it must be reformatted before migration can begin.
  3. To make sure that the proper file system is mounted after a system restart, ensure that the mount statements or mount policies are current after the swap.
  4. Ensure that the mount statements or mount policies will not mount the new file system after a system restart if the migration is canceled.
  5. If the command is canceled or aborted and the migration processing has begun, the migration continues.
  6. The -query option provides information that indicates percent complete, based on the ratio of byte sizes of the target and source.
  7. The migration must be started from the z/OS UNIX-owning system.
  8. Start of changeIf the source file system of the migration is HFS, all systems in the shared file system environment must be at least the z/OS V2R3 level. Otherwise, all systems in the shared file system environment must be at least the z/OS V2R4 level.End of change
  9. Start of changeOnly one mirror at a time can be in progress.End of change
  10. Start of changeOnly one HFS to zFS migration at a time can be performed.End of change
  11. Start of changeAny number of zFS to zFS migrations can be in mirror-complete state.End of change
  12. Start of changeThe percentage number for the mirroring progress is meaningful only when both the source file system and target system are not compressed.End of change
  13. Start of changeThe File Creation Time is not preserved.End of change
  14. Start of changeSwapping mounts does not affect child file systems. That is, you can swap out the currently mounted zFS file system with a new zFS file system even though there are mount points within the target file system. End of change


  1. To start a migration, issue the following command:
    bpxwmigf -source omvs.a1234.hfs -target omvs.xyz.zfs -wait 10
  2. After a migration is started, you can override the swap parameters or trigger the swap after a migration is complete but is still unswapped by issuing the following command:
    bpxwmigf -source omvs.a1234.hfs -mode ro -swap
  3. To cancel a current migration, issue the following command:
    bpxwmigf -cancel OMVS.1234.HFS
  4. To query the progress of all current migrations, issue the following command:
    bpxwmigf -query
  5. To wait for status on a migration in progress, issue the following command:
    bpxwmigf -source omvs.a1234.hfs -wait 10


bpxwmigf uses the following localization environment variables:

  • LANG
  • LC_ALL

Exit values

No errors.
Wait completed with noswap.
Wait time expired.
Wait exit due to canceled or failed migration.
Usage error; see the error message.
Usage error; see message.
Query failed; see message.
Cannot access z/OS UNIX.


Most diagnostics deal with argument syntax and are self-explanatory. For example:
Badly constructed output list at list
Indicates that the list for a -o option did not have the proper syntax.


An approved POSIX standard does not exist for bpxwmigf.

Related information
