Return codes

When the service returns control to your program, GPR 15 and return_code contain a hexadecimal return code, shown in the following table. If you need help with a return code, see the programmer at your installation responsible for managing RRS. Under information about working with application programs, z/OS MVS Programming: Resource Recovery contains additional details about these return codes.

Hexadecimal Return Code Decimal Return Code Meaning and Action
0 0 Code: RR_OK

Meaning: Successful completion. The changes to all protected resources have been made permanent.

Action: None.

Meaning: Environmental error. The commit was not completed:
  • RRS requested that the resource managers make the changes to the resources permanent. However, the state of one or more of the resources is not known.
Action: The action by an application depends on the system environment. Some possible actions are:
  • Display a warning message to the end user.
  • Write an exception entry into an output log.
  • Abnormally end the application because the resource manager will not allow any further changes to the resource until the situation is resolved.

Meaning: Environmental error. RRS requested that the resource managers make the changes to the resources permanent. One or more resources were changed, but one or more were not changed.

Action: Same as the action for return code 65 (101).

Meaning: Environmental error. The commit failed. The resource managers did not make the changes to the resources because one of the following occurred:
  • A resource on the same system as the application is not in the proper state for a commit.
  • A protected conversation is not in the required state: send, send pending, defer receive, defer allocate, sync_point, sync_point send, sync_point deallocate.
  • A protected conversation is in send state. The communications manager started sending the basic conversation logical record, but did not finish sending it.

Action: Initiate an action by a resource manager to get its resource to a committable state, then call Application_Commit_UR again. For example, if the application has allocated a protected conversation through APPPC/MVS, and the conversation is in receive state, the application gets this return code. It then must use APPC/MVS services to change the conversation to send state before issuing the commit request again.

12C 300 Code: RR_BACKED_OUT

Meaning: Environmental error. The commit failed. The resource managers backed out the changes, returning the resources to the values they had before the UR was processed.

Action: Same as the action for return code 65 (101).

Meaning: Environmental error. The commit failed for one of the following reasons:
  • RRS requested that the resource managers back out the changes to the resources. However, the state of one or more of the resources is not known.
  • RRS is not active.

Action: Same as the action for return code 65 (101).


Meaning: Environmental error. The commit failed. RRS requested that the resource managers back out the changes to the resources. One or more resources were backed out, but one or more were changed.

Action: Same as the action for return code 65 (101).