Display ICSF

Use the Display ICSF command to:
  • Display the status for available cryptographic devices.
  • Display certain ICSF options.
  • Display cryptographic usage tracking options.
  • Display key lifecycle auditing options.
  • Display key usage auditing options.
  • Display information about regional cryptographic servers (remote devices).
  • Display information about the data set that is currently in use and what is set for a dynamic service update.
  • Display information pertaining to active key data sets (KDS).
  • Display the status of the master key registers for the available cryptographic devices.
  • Display the master key verification pattern information from the KDS and cryptographic devices.
  • List the systems that are available to participate in commands with a SYSPLEX scope.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDisplay ICSF ,LIST,CARDS,KDS,MKS,MKVPS,ERRors,OPTions,REMOTEdevice|RD,SERVICELIBS|SRVL ,SYSPLEXNoYes


The system displays the following (message CSFM668I) information about the cryptographic devices available on the system or sysplex:
  • The active domain.
  • For each available device:
    • The device type (for example, CRYPTO EXPRESS5 COPROCESSOR).
    • The device index (for example, 5C36).
    • The device status (for example, Active).
    • The device serial number (for example, 99EA6059; not applicable for accelerators).
    • The firmware level of the device (for example, 6.0.5z).
    • The total number of requests since ICSF initialization. This field supports up to 10 digits where the maximum value is 232 - 1. If the number of requests exceeds the maximum, ICSF wraps the count and displays a “+” in the high order digit to indicate wrapping (for example, +000000000).
    • The number of requests both active and in the work queue for the device.
    • The compliance mode of the CCA coprocessor, where applicable (for example, PCI-HSM 2016).
For example:
D ICSF,CARDS                                                             
 CSFM668I 16.36.34 ICSF CARDS 259                                         
   ACTIVE DOMAIN = 044                                                    
   CRYPTO EXPRESS5 COPROCESSOR 5C00                                       
     STATUS=Active               SERIAL#=DV4CK428 LEVEL=5.3.13z           
     REQUESTS=0122008567  ACTIVE=0000
   CRYPTO EXPRESS5 ACCELERATOR 5A02                                       
     REQUESTS=0615576059  ACTIVE=0000                                     
   CRYPTO EXPRESS5 COPROCESSOR 5P03                                       
     STATUS=Active               SERIAL#=DV4CB353 LEVEL=05.03 CLiC=040D   
     REQUESTS=0000000070  ACTIVE=0000                                     
   CRYPTO EXPRESS6 COPROCESSOR 6C05                                       
     STATUS=Active               SERIAL#=DV777392 LEVEL=6.0.5z            
     REQUESTS=0158807665  ACTIVE=0000
If you are running on a lower release of ICSF, where the highest adapter supported by ICSF is the CEX5S, the display shows the Crypto Express6 coprocessor as 5C05 and the firmware level is 6.0.5.
D ICSF,CARDS                                                             
  CSFM668I 16.42.34 ICSF CARDS 259                                         
   ACTIVE DOMAIN = 044    
   CRYPTO EXPRESS6 COPROCESSOR 5C05                                       
     STATUS=Active               SERIAL#=DV777392 LEVEL=6.0.5
     REQUESTS=0158807003  ACTIVE=0000
The system displays (message CSFM668I) information about the active key data sets (KDS) on the system or sysplex:
  • The dataset name for each active KDS (CKDS, PKDS, and TKDS).
  • The format of the KDS (for example, KDSR):
    • Possible values are KDSR, FIXED, and VARIABLE.
  • The communication level in place for the KDS (for example, 3). This is only displayed is a sysplex environment.
  • Whether the KDS is being shared in a sysplex group (for example, Y).
  • The MKVPs initialized in the KDS (for example, DES AES).
    • The possible values are:
      • DES, AES, or both for CKDS.
      • RSA, ECC, or both for PKDS.
      • P11, RCS, or both for TKDS.
For example:
SYSA  D ICSF,KDS                                              

SYSA  CSFM668I 14.38.31 ICSF KDS 040                          
  CKDS  RACFDRVR.SHERID.CKDSPLX                               
  PKDS  RACFDRVR.SHERID.PKDSPLX                               
  TKDS  RACFDRVR.SHERID.TKDSPLX                               
The system displays (message CSFM668I) master key information:
  • The name of the system (for example, SYSA).
  • The active domain (for example, 003).
  • For each device on the system:
    • The device index (for example, 5C38).
    • The device serial number (for example, 99EA6059).
    • The status of the device.
    • A status indicator for each possible master key.
For more information on the possible display values, see the Displaying Coprocessor or Accelerator Status topic in z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide.
For example:
SYSA  D ICSF,MKS                                           

SYSA  CSFM668I 09.45.18 ICSF MKS 852                        
  SYSNAME: SYSA     DOMAIN: 003   CPC Name: PR2827A         
     5C38   99EA6059 Active               A   A   A   A     
     5P39   97006054 Active                               A  
The system displays the following (message CSFM668I) master key verification pattern information from the KDS and cryptographic devices:
  • The dataset name for each active KDS. If there is no active KDS for a particular type of KDS (for example, CKDS), no data set name or device information is displayed for that KDS type.
  • Up to six hexadecimal digits of the MKVP information from the header record of the KDS.
  • The system name, coprocessor ID, and up to six hexadecimal digits of the current MKVP for each cryptographic device associated with the KDS.
    • A 'KDS/adapter mismatch’ indicator ('*') is displayed if the MKVP of the KDS does not match the MKVP of the cryptographic device or the MKVP of the cryptographic device was ‘Empty’.
    • ‘NotSet’ is displayed when the KDS in not initialized with the MKVP.
    • ‘Ignored’ is displayed for an MKVP in a cryptographic device if the MKVP in the KDS was not initialized. The MKVP in the cryptographic device is not checked. This is not considered an error when processing the ERRORS option. If the D ICSF,MKVPS,ERR command does not list any errors, issue the D ICSF,MKVPS command to confirm that the KDS MKVPS are set.
    • ‘Empty’ is displayed when the MKVP in the cryptographic device is empty.
    • ‘N/A’ is displayed for the ECC MKVP value in the cryptographic device when the cryptographic device is a CEX3C and the ECC value is not set in the cryptographic device.
  • The number of hexadecimal digits of the MKVP information displayed is truncated to the valued specified on the ICSF options parameter MASTERKCVLEN when that parameter value is less than six. The MASTERKCVLEN value used is the value set on the system issuing the command.

The Display ICSF,MKVPS command collects and displays information from systems at ICSF FMID HCR77B1 and later. Information for regional cryptographic servers is not displayed.

Although unlikely, the output from the D ICSF,MKVPS command could show a KDS and coprocessor MKVP value that is the same, but flagged as a mismatch. If this happens:
  • Set MASTERKCVLEN to ALL to make sure the command is displaying the maximum of six hexadecimal digits of the MKVP value.
  • If the MKVPs of the coprocessor and KDS still appear to match, use the ICSF Coprocessor Hardware Status panel (CSFCMP40) to see all the hexadecimal digits of MKVP in the coprocessor. Next, create a flat file of the KDS using IDCAMS to see the complete MKVP in the KDS header record. Compare the two values. To see the format of the KDS header records, see Diagnosis reference information.
The display is limited to cryptographic devices whose current MKVP is set or empty and does not match the set MKVP in the KDS. If no KDS MKVPS are set, no errors are flagged. See the explanation of ‘ignored’ above. Use the D ICSF,MKVPS command to ensure that the KDS MKVPS are set.
Example showing that mismatches are found:

SYS1          CSFM668I 15.01.17 ICSF MKVPS     
  CKDS  ICSFTSTV.VARREC1.CKDS                          
                ID     AES      DES                     
     KDSMKVPS  ....   2058C8   CA6B40                   
     S0C       3C04   2058C8   CA6B40                   
     S0C       3C05   2058C8   CA6B40                   
     S0C       3C08   2058C8   CA6B40                   
     S0C       3C09  *Empty   *Empty 
     S0D       3C07   2058C8   CA6B40         
     S0D       3C08   2058C8   CA6B40 
               ID     AES      DES              
    KDSMKVPS  ....   2058C8   CA6B40            
    S20       5C00   2058C8   CA6B40            
    S20       5C01   2058C8   CA6B40            
    S20       6C05   2058C8   CA6B40            
    S22       5C00   2058C8   CA6B40            
    S22       5C01   2058C8   CA6B40
PKDS  ICSFTSTV.KDSR1.PKDS               
               ID     ECC      RSA        
    KDSMKVPS  ....   78D81A   E83F15      
    S20       5C00   78D81A   E83F15      
    S20       5C01   78D81A   E83F15      
    S20       6C05   78D81A   E83F15      
    S22       5C00   78D81A   E83F15      
    S22       5C01   78D81A   E83F15      
    S22       5C05   78D81A   E83F15 
               ID     P11                    
    KDSMKVPS  ....   5B083D                  
    S0C       4P13  *Empty                   
    S0C       4P15   5B083D                  
*KDS/adapter MKVP mismatch 

Example showing that no errors are found:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps              
SY1           CSFM668I 15.40.14 ICSF MKVPS    
CKDS  ICSFTSTV.VARREC1.CKDS                          
                ID     AES      DES                     
     KDSMKVPS  ....   2058C8   CA6B40                   
     S0C       3C04   2058C8   CA6B40                   
PKDS  ICSFTSTV.KDSR1.PKDS               
               ID     ECC      RSA        
    KDSMKVPS  ....   78D81A   E83F15      
    S20       5C00   78D81A   E83F15      
               ID     P11                    
    KDSMKVPS  ....   5B083D                  
    S0C       4P15   5B083D                  

Example showing that the Errors keyword is specified and no errors are found:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps,err            
SY1           CSFM668I 15.41.14 ICSF MKVPS      
  No KDS/adapter MKVP mismatches found or KDS MKVPs not set

Example showing that either no KDS is defined or no cryptographic adapters are online:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps
  CSFM668I 08.49.49 ICSF MKVPS    
  No KDS defined or no cryptographic adapters online   

Example showing that when an MKVP is not set in the KDS, the cryptographic device MKVP value is ‘Ignored’. If the MKVP value is set in the KDS, the cryptographic device MKVP is ‘Empty’:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps                  
SY1           CSFM668I 16.38.00 ICSF MKVPS        
  CKDS  ISFTEST.CLC.CKDSVAR                 
               ID    AES      DES          
    KDSMKVPS  ....   2058C8   NotSet        
    SY1       5C38   2058C8   Ignored       
  PKDS  ISFTEST.CLC.PKDSNEW                 
               ID    ECC      RSA          
    KDSMKVPS  ....   78D81A   E83F15        
    SY1       5C39   78D81A  *Empty         
  *KDS/adapter MKVP mismatch
  No TKDS defined or no EP11 adapters online                    

Example showing how the use of the Errors keyword alters the output from the Display ICSF,MKVPS command so that only the line flagged with ‘*’ is displayed:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps,err          
SY1           CSFM668I 16.41.34 ICSF MKVPS   
               ID    ECC      RSA      
    MKVP             78D81A   E83F15    
    SY1       5C39   78D81A  *Empty     
  *KDS/adapter MKVP mismatch                 
Example showing CEX3C with ECC and MKVP is not set in the cryptographic device:
SY1           d icsf,mkvps
PKDS  ENG.BOTHMK.PKDS             
               ID     ECC      RSA      
    MKVP             78D81A   E83F15    
    SY1       3C03   N/A      E83F15

For information to help resolve KDS/adapter mismatch problems, see ‘Managing CCA Master Keys’ and ‘Managing PKCS #11 master keys’ in z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide.

The system displays (message CSFM668I) members of a sysplex who are eligible to participate in Display ICSF and SETICSF commands. LIST is the default option.
For example:
SY1     CSFM668I 08.08.57 ICSF LIST 742                     
  Systems supporting SETICSF and DISPLAY ICSF commands:           
    SYSNAME   RELEASE  DOM  CHG_DATE                              
    SY1       HCR77D0  000  06/18/19
The system displays (message CSFM668I information):
  • The name of the system (for example, SYSA).
  • The ICSF release that is active (for example, HCR77B1).
  • The most recent build date of ICSF executable code (for example, 01/09/16 or the latest ICSF code change).
  • How much time must elapse between key references before a refdate change is recorded in the KDS record (refdate update interval).
  • How often KDS refdate updates are hardened to the KDS dataset (refdate update period).
  • The number of master key verification pattern digits.
  • The cryptographic usage statistics that are being tracked.
  • The COMPLIANCEWARN and AUDIT information.
For example:
SYSA          D ICSF,OPTIONS                                    
SYSA          CSFM668I 10.23.21 ICSF OPTIONS 833                
  SYSNAME = SYSA         ICSF LEVEL = HCR77C1                   
    LATEST ICSF CODE CHANGE = 08/22/17                          
    Refdate update interval in Days/HH.MM.SS = 030/00.00.00     
    Refdate update period   in Days/HH.MM.SS = 000/01.00.00     
    MASTERKCVLEN = display 3 digits                           
    AUDITKEYLIFECKDS: Audit CCA symmetric key lifecycle events  
      SYSNAME   LABEL    TOKEN                                  
      SYSA       Yes      Yes                                   
    AUDITKEYLIFEPKDS: Audit CCA asymmetric key lifecycle events 
      SYSNAME   LABEL    TOKEN                                  
      SYSA       Yes      Yes                                   
    AUDITKEYLIFETKDS: Audit PKCS #11 key lifecycle events       
      SYSNAME   TOKOBJ   SESSOBJ                                
      SYSA       Yes      Yes                                   
    AUDITKEYUSGCKDS: Audit CCA symmetric key usage events       
      SYSNAME   LABEL    TOKEN     Interval Days/HH.MM.SS       
      SYSA       Yes      Yes                000/01.00.00       
    AUDITKEYUSGPKDS: Audit CCA asymmetric key usage events      
      SYSNAME   LABEL    TOKEN     Interval Days/HH.MM.SS       
      SYSA       Yes      Yes                000/01.00.00       
    AUDITPKCS11USG: Audit PKCS #11 usage events                 
      SYSA       Yes      Yes       Yes             000/01.00.00
      SYSA              ENG, SRV, ALG
    COMPLIANCEWARN: Compliance warning events
      SYSA	PCI-HSM 2016	Yes
Displays information about regional cryptographic servers (remote devices) on either the local system or if SYSPLEX=YES, all systems in the sysplex.
  • At least one REMOTEDEVICE option must have been specified in the ICSF installation options data set prior to ICSF being started in order for the Display ICSF,REMOTEDEVICE command to be operational.
  • In addition, the current machine type must be an IBM zEnterprise EC12 or later machine.
  • If ICSF is started without any REMOTEDEVICE entries specified in the ICSF installation options data set or while running on a machine type other than an IBM zEnterprise EC12 or later machine, the Display ICSF,REMOTEdevice command fails, and ICSF issues message CSFM669I.
The results of the command are displayed through message CSFM668I:
  • The dataset name for the active TKDS (for example, CSF.TKDS2).
  • The first three hexadecimal bytes of the regional cryptographic server master key verification pattern from the TKDS (for example, AB1122).
  • For each device on the system:
    • The device serial number (for example, 87651130).
    • The device port number (for example, 8001).
    • The level indicating the generation of card code (for example, LEVEL=01.00).
    • The HOST/IP of the device (for example, HOST/IP@=
    • The remote device identifier (REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV); for example, 1R09, where:
      • 1 = Generation of the device.
      • R = Remote regional cryptographic server.
      • 09 = Index as defined in the options dataset.
    • The status of the device (for example, Active).
    • The current number of socket connections / the maximum number of socket connections as defined in the options dataset (for example, 7/8).
      Note: If the current number of sockets = the maximum number of sockets defined, only one number is displayed (as with the second example showing Sockets=8).
    • The current number of active cryptographic requests on the device (In this example, 5 for the first remote device (serial number 87651130) and 6 for the second remote device (serial number 87661276).
    • The total number of cryptographic requests on the device since ICSF initialization. This field supports up to 10 digits where the maximum value is 232 - 1. If the number of requests exceeds the maximum, ICSF wraps the count and displays a “+” in the high order digit to indicate wrapping (for example, +000000000).
    • Optional new master key information: The first three hexadecimal bytes of the regional cryptographic server new master key verification pattern and the state of the new master key (for example, FULL COMMITTED).
      Note: During heavy workloads or when SYSPLEX=YES is specified, the display command may be unable to retrieve a recently updated new master key value. If the new master key verification pattern that is displayed does not match the new master key loaded from the RCS utility, wait 10 minutes for an implicit RCS check and then reissue the display command. Otherwise, issue the SETICSF RESTART command for each RCS device.
    • Optional diagnostic information: Displays the device MKVP when the regional cryptographic server master key does not match that in the TKDS.
For example, when SYSPLEX=NO is specified or used by default from SYSA with 2 remote devices:

SYSA  CSFM668I 04.47.06 ICSF RD 424                        
  TKDS = CSF.TKDS2                                         
    RCS MKVP FROM TKDS = AB1122 ...                        
      SERIAL NUMBER=87651130  PORT=8001  LEVEL=01.00       
        REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R06                           
          SYSA      Active                  Sockets=7/8    
          REQUESTS ACTIVE=0005                             
      SERIAL NUMBER=87661276  PORT=8001  LEVEL=01.00       
        REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R09                           
          SYSA      Active                  Sockets=8      
          REQUESTS ACTIVE=0006
When SYSPLEX=YES is specified, ICSF collects the remote device information from all the systems in the sysplex for display through message CSFM668I. The output of message CSFM668I is sorted and grouped using the sort keys:
  • TKDS
  • PORT
For example, when SYSPLEX=YES is specified:
SYSA  D ICSF,RD,SYSPLEX=Y                                  

SYSA  CSFM668I 05.54.31 ICSF RD 502                        
   TKDS = CSF.TKDS2                                        
     RCS MKVP FROM TKDS = AB1122 ...                       
     SERIAL NUMBER=87651130  PORT=8001  LEVEL=01.00        
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R06                            
         SYSA      Active                  Sockets=8       
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                              
     SERIAL NUMBER=87651130  PORT=8002  LEVEL=01.00        
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R06                            
         SYSB      Active                  Sockets=8       
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                             
     SERIAL NUMBER=87651130  PORT=8003  LEVEL=01.00        
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R06                          
         SYSC      Active                  Sockets=8     
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                            
     SERIAL NUMBER=87661062  PORT=8003  LEVEL=01.00      
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R16                          
         SYSC      Active                  Sockets=8     
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                            
     SERIAL NUMBER=87661276  PORT=8001  LEVEL=01.00      
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R09                          
         SYSA      Active                  Sockets=8     
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                            
     SERIAL NUMBER=87661276  PORT=8002  LEVEL=01.00      
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R09                          
         SYSB      Active                  Sockets=8         
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                               
     SERIAL NUMBER=87661276  PORT=8003  LEVEL=01.00          
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R09                              
         SYSC      Active                  Sockets=8         
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000                                
     SERIAL NUMBER=87671176  PORT=8003  LEVEL=01.00          
       REGIONAL CRYPTO SRV  1R13                              
         SYSC      Active                  Sockets=8         
         REQUESTS ACTIVE=0000
The SERVICELIBS keyword displays the following information (message CSFM668I) about the data sets being used for active ICSF and what would be used in the event of a dynamic service update or after a restart of ICSF.
The information listed shows the data set locations for SCSFMOD0. The data set listed under CURRENT is what the active instance of ICSF is using. The data set listed under NEXT is what is specified for the option SERVSCFMOD0 in the options dataset. NEXT will always be LNKLST unless SERVICELIBS(YES) has been specified.
The information listed shows the data set locations for SIEALNKE. The data set listed under CURRENT is what the active instance of ICSF is using. The data set listed under NEXT is what is specified for the option SERVSIEALNKE in the options dataset. NEXT will always be LNKLST unless SERVICELIBS(YES) has been specified.
Refers to the current code running for the instance of ICSF. It is either LNKLST or a data set that was loaded via a service option.
Refers to the data set that would be used after the next SETICSF PAUSE command is run or what would be used after a manual start and restart of ICSF. If this information differs from what is in the options data set, either the options data set should be updated to match it, or a SETICSF OPT,REFRESH command should be run to pick up the new service option values. NEXT will always be LNKLST unless SERVICELIBS(YES) has been specified.
HCR77D0  SCSFMOD0 CURRENT                             VOLSER 
SYS1     LNKLST                                              
SYS2     LNKLST                                          
SYS3     SERV1.SCSFMOD0                               CSFVO1
HCR77D0  SCSFMOD0 NEXT                                       
SYS1     SYS1.SRV1                                    SRVDR1 
SYS2     SYS1.SRV1                                    SRVDR1 
SYS3     SERV1.SCSFMOD0                               SRVDR1
HCR77D0  SIEALNKE CURRENT                             VOLSER        
SYS1     LNKLST                                              
SYS2     LNKLST                                          
SYS3     SERV1.SIEALNKE                               CSFVO1 
HCR77D0  SIEALNKE NEXT                                        
SYS1     SYS1.SRV1                                    SRVDR1 
SYS2     SYS1.SRV1                                    SRVDR1
SYS3     SERV1.SIEALNKE                               CSFVO1
The SYSPLEX keyword increases the scope of the Display ICSF command to all participating members of the sysplex. The Display ICSF output is grouped according to CPC Name and shows the results of the Display ICSF command as it was executed on each member. Specify SYSPLEX=Yes to execute the command on all systems. Otherwise, specify SYSPLEX=No to execute the command only on the local (initiating) system. SYSPLEX=No is the default.
For example:

CSFM668I 11.49.49 ICSF CARDS 919
  CPC Name = R01       CPC Sequence# = 0000000000042E08
      SYSA     DOMAIN=000 Active REQUESTS=0000
               PCI-HSM=2016 MIGRATION
      SYSB     DOMAIN=002 Active
         REQ=4294967295 ACT=0008
      SYSC     DOMAIN=008 Active
         REQ=N/A        ACT=0001
      SYSA     DOMAIN=000 Active
         REQ=0000000100 ACT=0005
      SYSB     DOMAIN=002 Active
         REQ=0000000010 ACT=0003
      SYSC     DOMAIN=008 Active
         REQ=N/A        ACT=0007
  CPC Name = R02       CPC Sequence# = 0000000000042E09
      SYSA     DOMAIN=000 Active
         REQ=0000000030 ACT=0006
      SYSC     DOMAIN=008 Active
         REQ=+000085315 ACT=0004
SYSA  D ICSF,OPT,SYSPLEX=Y                                 

SYSA  CSFM668I 11.36.35 ICSF OPTIONS 995
    Refdate update interval in Days/HH.MM.SS = 030/00.00.00
    Refdate update period in   Days/HH.MM.SS = 000/01.00.00
    MASTERKCVLEN = display 3 digits
    Refdate update interval in Days/HH.MM.SS = 005/00.00.00
    Refdate update period in   Days/HH.MM.SS = 000/01.00.00
    MASTERKCVLEN = display 3 digits

Usage Notes

For information on how to limit the use of MVS console commands to a specific set of users, see the System Operations topic in z/OS MVS System Commands.