Network Server panel (NS)

The Network Server (NS) panel allows you to display information about server-type networking devices on the node:
  • NETSERV devices used to communicate between JES and TCP/IP
  • LOGON devices used to communicate between JES2 and VTAM

Command keyword

Access the Network Server panel with the NS command from any SDSF panel.

NS command action characters

The action characters for the NS command are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. NS Command Action Characters
Action Character Description
// Block repeat; type // on the first row and another // on the last row to be processed.
= Repeat previous action character or overtype.
+(n) Expand the NP column; n is 4-20. (Use RESET to reset.)
%(exec) Run a REXX exec. (ISPF only).
/ Show column values for row (ISPF only).
C Cancel a network server (JES3 only).
D Display the network server in the log. You can add:
  • A - For the application (JES2 only). Not valid for NETSRVs.
  • L - Long form. Not valid for LOGONs.
  • S - For the socket (JES2 only). Not valid for LOGONs.
E Restart the network server.
JD Display the job's use of devices. (Access the Job Device panel.)
JM Display the job's use of memory. (Access the Job Memory panel.)
K Cancel the network server address space. You can add:
  • D - Cancel the network server address space with a dump.
L Fail the device DSP (JES3 only). You can add:
  • D - Fail the device DSP with a dump (JES3 only).
P Stop the device (JES2 only).
S Start the device.
X Invoke the network server DSP (JES3 only).
Z Force the network server address space.

Columns on the NS panel

The columns on the NS panel are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Columns on the NS Panel
Column name Title (Displayed) Width Description
DEVNAME DEVICE 10 Name of the network server. This is the fixed field. It is ignored if coded on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro.
STATUS Status 8 Device status
DSPNAME DSPName 8 Dynamic support program name (JES3 only)
APPL Appl 8 Application name (JES2 only)
SOCKET Socket 8 Socket name (JES2 only)
STACK Stack 8 Name of the TCP/IP stack
RESTART Restart 8 Restart the device automatically (JES2 only)
RTIME Rest-Int 10 Restart interval (minutes) (JES2 only)
PTRACE Tr 3 Tracing (JES2 only)
CTRACE CTr 3 Common tracing
VTRACE VTr 3 Verbose tracing
JTRACE JTr 3 JES tracing
LOG Log 3 Log activity (JES2 only)
ASID ASID 5 ASID of the network server
SRVJOBNM SrvJobNm 8 Job name of the network server address space
PASSWORD Password 8 Password (SET or NOTSET) (JES2 only)
IPNAME IPName 32 Local TCP/IP host name
PORT Port 5 Local TCP/IP port number
PORTNAME PortName 16 Local TCP/IP port name (JES2 only)
SECURE Secure 6 Secure (TLS) socket
SYSNAME SysName 8 System name
DSYSID SysID 5 JES2 member name (JES2 only)
JESNAME JESN 4 JES subsystem name
JESLEVEL JESLevel 8 z/OS® JES level
DEVSECLB DSecLabel 9 Security label of the device (JES2 only)
Start of changeNSECUREEnd of change Start of changeNSecureEnd of change Start of change10End of change Start of changeNetserv secure option (required, optional, use_socket)End of change